Bluethroat chicks and reed warbler

Bluethroat male, 1 June 2014

As this blog wrote before, on 1 June 2014 we were in the Groene Jonker nature reserve. This beautiful bluethroat was there.

Bluethroat chick, 1 June 2014

At least two of its recently fledged chicks were there as well; sometimes on bushes; sometimes on the boardwalk linking the footpath across water.

Bluethroat male, Groene Jonker, 1 June 2014

While their father watched.

Meanwhile, a greenshank passed a black-winged stilt which was looking for food.

After that, the black-winged stilt cleaned its feathers.

A flock of twenty Canada geese flies overhead.

Coots with chicks. Grey lag geese with goslings.

Reed warbler singing, in Groene Jonker, 1 June 2014

A reed warbler singing. Far more visible than usually with this species.

In the water, common water-plantain.

On the bank, tufted grass and broad-leaved dock.

A Savi’s warbler sings.

Sedge warbler singing, Groene Jonker, 1 June 2014

So does a sedge warbler.

Mute swan, 1 June 2014

A mute swan.

Garden tiger moth caterpillars, 1 June 2014

Garden tiger moth caterpillars on the footpath, and on plants.

Reed bunting male sings, 1 June 2014

A reed bunting sings.

Common tern hovering, 1 June 2014

A common tern hovers in the air.

Two northern lapwings flying.

A common pochard flying.

A shelduck swimming.

Mute swans, 1 June 2014

A mute swan couple.

At the exit of the Groene Jonker, barn swallows fly. A cuckoo calls.

That day, we would still go to another nature reserve, Ruygeborg. So, stay tuned!

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23 thoughts on “Bluethroat chicks and reed warbler

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