Eared grebe and reed warbler

Yesterday, Saturday 12 May 2012, I had planned to go to the beautiful Groene Jonker nature reserve. However, illness prevented me from going.

Fortunately, someone who was able to go to the Groene Jonker gave me these photos for my blog.

Sedge warbler singing, Groene Jonker, 12 May 2012

Close to the reserve entrance, one of many sedge warblers. Most reedbed birds are rather difficult to see. Sedge warblers are a bit easier than most species, as they often sit on reed stem tops and have song flights.

Blue tit, Groene Jonker, 12 May 2012

A blue tit landed close to the sedge warbler. It caught an insect and flew away.

Spoonbills flying. A common sandpiper. Mallards with ducklings.

Reed warbler singing, Groene Jonker, 12 May 2012

A bit further, a reed warbler singing. Reed warblers are often more difficult to see and photograph than sedge warblers, as they tend to hide in the lower regions of reedbeds.

Reed warbler, Groene Jonker, 12 May 2012

Great crested grebes, Groene Jonker, 12 May 2012

A great crested grebe family: two parents, four chicks. The parents try to feed the chicks a fish. Though it is not a big fish, it is still too big for the chicks.

Great crested grebes and fish, Groene Jonker, 12 May 2012

Then, a smaller relative of the great crested grebes: an eared grebe (see also here).

Eared grebe, Groene Jonker, 12 May 2012

Finally, just before the reserve exit, another reedbed bird, often very difficult to see: a singing Savi’s warbler.

Savi's warbler, Groene Jonker, 12 May 2012

Phylogeography of a Habitat Specialist with High Dispersal Capability: The Savi’s Warbler Locustella luscinioides: here.

9 thoughts on “Eared grebe and reed warbler

  1. Pingback: Ringing reed warblers in Bahrain | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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