International Women’s Day is today

This video says about itself:

International Women’s Day | Women lead Demonstration against Trump in Palestine

8 March 2018

Palestinian women gathered in the West Bank and Gaza City on Wednesday to voice their anger at US President Donald Trump for his decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The protests were called ahead of International Women’s Day.

The origins of International Women’s Day. All those who are celebrating IWD should not forget its socialist feminist roots, says MARY DAVIS.

International Women’s Day is for all women. Black women are too often objectified, demonised and face threats to our lives just for speaking out. Our voices must be lifted, says ZITA HOLBOURNE.

A woman’s place is in the international strike. The global grassroots movement is fighting for an anti-racist, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, all-inclusive feminism for the 99 per cent, write DOREEN DENSKY and DANA MILLS.

Britain: Income inequality: Women’s pay begins today. International Women’s Day marks the first day of the year female workers ‘start getting paid’: here.

Britain: Income inequality: A third of women earn less than the living wage: here.

The jobs being hardest hit by automation are in occupations dominated by women, says SHARON GRAHAM.

Taking a stand and calling out sexism is just too risky for most women – and employers know this. Workplace misogyny and belittling of women is rife, but liberal notions of ‘leaning in’ do little to help, says JO BARTOSCH.

Sexual harassment is a form of violence against women and it’s happening in our workplaces all the time. Unions and their members still have much to do to ensure dignity at work for women, writes FRANCES O’GRADY.

Britain: Time is up to end the indignities, inequalities and injustices women face in the workplace and beyond
Unison will be building on its successes in championing the rights of women, says GLORIA MILLS.

Britain: Spycops’ crimes against women must be exposed. ANDREA, who was tricked into a relationship with notorious spycop ‘Carlo Neri’, has little faith that the Mitting inquiry will bring justice for the female victims of state agents: here.

Britain: Sexism is widespread in our society – and tackling it begins in our schools. The increasingly macho nature of the education regime is modelling oppressive behaviour, says KIRI TUNKS.

Britain: Too many women facing blatant pregnancy discrimination. Mums to be deserve much better protection under the law, writes GAIL CARTMAIL.

PROTESTS took place across Britain today in support of women prisoners on hunger strike at Yarl’s Wood immigration detention centre in Bedfordshire: here.

Women have made great progress, but the struggle against our oppression goes on. In a year of many milestone anniversaries for women, VICKY KNIGHT reminds us that our liberation has still yet to be won: here.

Britain: The march of the women – militancy beyond the myths. It’s widely believed that the [early 20th century] suffragette campaign was violent – the truth is that the only untrammelled violence seen during the campaign came from the state, says LOUISE RAW.

IT IS understandable that, on International Women’s Day this year, organisations will focus on the issue of the women’s franchise. The centenary of the vote for women [in Britain] is being celebrated and, as many people point out, it was only a partial franchise. It wasn’t until 1922 in the Republic of Ireland and 1928 in the UK that the universal franchise was introduced for all women over the age of 21. All this is becoming common knowledge as women take more interest in their own hidden history, but how women benefited from voting is something that also needs to become more widely known: here.

The legacy of the suffragettes lies with today’s working-class women. There is a massive gap between well-off women who seeks to promote their books, their businesses and brands as ‘feminists’ and the real inheritors of suffragism and radical politics, says BERNADETTE HYLAND.

Working-class women’s progress is far too slow. The abuse of the voiceless, the broken, the abused, the working-class women in our communities must end now or #MeToo is simply an empty soundbite in a moneyed echo chamber, argues BERNADETTE HORTON.

From BirdLife:

We interview the amazing women leading BirdLife’s work across the world

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we interview some of the key women of the BirdLife Partnership. They tell their fascinating stories, and give their advice to other women aiming to embark on careers like theirs.

4 thoughts on “International Women’s Day is today

  1. Pingback: International Women’s Day, strikes, demonstrations | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: International Women’s Day, not International Corporations’ Day | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Chilean government violence against demonstrators | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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