Learn from British Corbyn, US Sanders says

This 21 June 2017 video from the USA says about itself:

Bernie Sanders to Democrats: Jeremy Corbyn Taught Us a Lesson—Learn It!

21 June 2017

In an op-ed for The New York Times, Bernie Sanders told Democrats how they can start winning elections again. Basically, he implored them to learn the lesson Jeremy Corbyn recently taught us. The establishment doubted Jeremy Corbyn,

They not just doubted. They smeared.

but he showed the world that progressives are able to galvanize younger voters to come out and vote. If Democrats want to end their losing spree, they need to channel progressivism and move towards the left—not the center.

NANCY PELOSI UNDER FIRE Some Congressional Democrats are calling for new leadership in light of the latest special election losses. [HuffPost]

Britain’s Bernie Is Defying Expectations And Galvanizing The Left: here.

26 thoughts on “Learn from British Corbyn, US Sanders says

  1. There was one additional factor in the Democratic losses, admitted by one prominent office-holder, Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut, who backed Hillary Clinton in the contest for the Democratic presidential nomination last year. Speaking on MSNBC, Murphy said that the single-minded focus on investigating alleged connections between the Trump campaign and Russia had become a “distraction” to mounting effective election campaigns.

    “Democrats have to be hyper-focused on an economic message that tells people that the Republican Party is all about economic growth for millionaires and billionaires and the Democratic Party is about economic growth for everybody,” he said. “The fact that we have spent so much time talking about Russia, you know, has been a distraction from what should be the clear contrast between Democrats and the Trump agenda, which is on economics.”



  2. Dear Friends and Activists,

    We’d be the first ones to tell you that so-called Obamacare, now
    widely recognized to have cost the Democrats their majorities in
    Congress, and ultimately the White House, was a bad bill.

    In fact we were. We spoke out against it bitterly even as it was
    being passed over our vociferous objections that single payer was the
    only real health care solution. And that remains our progressive
    policy goal.

    But in the meantime, the last way to fix our problems is to make them
    dramatically worse, which is what the Republican are trying to find
    some way to do, unless we stop them by the force of our amassed

    We say junk the Republican health care killer bill, and pass single
    payer Medicare for All instead. Submit this action page again now,
    even if you had already done so, and we’ll send a fresh barrage of
    direct action faxes.

    Medicare For All action page:

    And here is the simplified version of the action page if your browser
    has any technical issues.


    We were promised a nail biter in GA. Turned out to be not even really
    close. We heard John Ossoff on TV a couple times. Seemed likeable and
    articulate enough.

    But we’ll tell you what we did not hear. We did not hear him on the

    They sure attacked him, like with some actor standing in front of
    Golden Gate Bridge talking about, “Here in San Francisco we love how
    Ossoff is going to raise your taxes,” and a truly despicable election
    eve ad claiming that liberals “endorsed and applauded” attempted mass
    murder of congressional Republicans, as phantom as Trump’s
    celebrating Muslims in NJ seen by him on TV on 9/11. We heard no such
    thing like that either, outside of this one ad.

    It’s not as if we don’t have stuff to attack, from the attempted
    murder of our health care system, such as it is, to the out of
    control criminality of the White House resident. Republicans demand
    scalps at the drop of a teabag. What are we . . . all just namby

    And the other thing we did not hear from Ossoff, at least when he was
    squandering his best opportunities on TV to broadcast a message, was
    any strong position on what we SHOULD be doing as a country, just a
    bunch of “I want to reach across the aisle to work with the other
    side.” Oh, really? On what?

    Seriously, they spent 25 million dollars on a guy apparently
    incapable of either a strong attack or a strong position on anything?
    The Democratic party beat us over the head like never before to cough
    up contributions. More money was spent on this race than any other
    House election in history, by a mile, and for what . . . to not
    actually take a visible stand on ANYTHING???

    Perhaps Ossoff will run again in 2018, by which time his opponent
    will have a record of bad votes. And maybe he’ll have the good sense
    to move back the couple miles to live in his own district again, so
    they can’t beat him up over that. And if he does, we hope he gets a
    strong shot of catch fire in his belly.

    By then there will be even more to attack. By then strong advocacy on
    policy will be even more important.

    If the Democratic party platform in 2018 is to tinker around the
    edges of the structural disaster called Obamacare, even as it is
    being sabotaged in every way by Trump and the Republicans, it will
    be, if not a losing message, a recipe for minimal gains.

    Demand single payer, demand it now, make your voice heard (see action
    page above).

    And we will not hesitate for a nanosecond to attack Trump and the
    Republicans politicians about everything they DESERVE to be attacked
    about, at every opportunity, and we keep doing it relentlessly.

    And why? Because we need to be more concerned about firing up and
    motivating OUR base than worrying about someone on the “other” side
    being offended by the truth.

    We advocate what we are FOR. We attack what we are AGAINST. Both must
    be strong.

    Our new “Lock Him Up/Impeach Trump” popcorn boxes have now gone to
    the press and will start shipping next week. Get your request in now
    for a couple of those and have an investigative hearing watching
    party for your friends.

    Lock Him Up/Impeach Trump popcorn boxes: https://www.utalk.us/?g=5:PB

    Request our new “Trump, YOU’re Fired” caps, in house now, shipping as
    fast as we can.

    Trump, YOU’re Fired caps: https://www.utalk.us/?g=2:Y

    Plus, we have:

    Dump Trump bumper stickers: https://www.utalk.us/?g=1:SU

    Trump the Fraud bumper stickers: https://www.utalk.us/?g=1:SF

    You can even create your own bumper sticker with an reasonble text
    your like.

    Custom Trump Resistance bumper stickers:

    Or if all you want to do is make a kind contribution to support or
    progressive advocacy work, including our no charge to anyone direct
    fax issue action page resource, you can use this page, and you can
    even make it recurrent by checking the option box for that.

    Donations: https://www.utalk.us/?p=donate

    You may forward this message to any friends who would find it

    Contributions to The People’s Email Network or ActBlue are not
    tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.

    If you would like to be added to our distribution list, go to

    Or if don’t want to receive our messages, just go to



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  7. Monday 26th June 2017

    posted by Morning Star in Britain

    TORIES should seek to emulate the Labour left, Michael Gove said this weekend.

    The controversial Environment Secretary told the Kings Place Politics Festival that pro-Corbyn group Momentum had “brought lots of enthusiastic young people into politics” and “helped change the culture of the Labour Party.”

    He said he did not “endorse all the principles” of the group, but believed Conservatives could “learn something” from their success in getting thousands of people newly involved in politics.

    Mr Gove added: “The attitude … of many Conservative associations to a young person saying: ‘I want to get involved’ is to say: ‘Here are some leaflets to deliver’.

    “You think: ‘I joined the Conservatives for political ideas, if I wanted to be a postman, I’d have … gone down that route.’

    “And so we have to think hard about how we provide a space and opportunity for people who are interested in political ideas.”

    Momentum founder Jon Lansman welcomed Mr Gove’s admission that the grassroots campaign has been a positive development for politics in Britain as a whole.

    But Mr Lansman warned Labour had only been able to harness this enthusiasm because it had offered “bold policies” of the left, which he suggested the Conservatives could not do.

    Momentum was founded by Mr Lansman and others as a new force to bring together various currents of the Labour left. It has faced vitriol from some Labour MPs concerned that new pro-Corbyn members will seek to de-select them as parliamentary candidates.

    Mr Gove noted the rise of left populism across the world.

    He said: “I expect if Bernie Sanders had been the Democrat nominee [for US president] he’d probably have beaten Donald Trump.”



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