Dutch Blairite Dijsselbloem’s anti-south European bigotry

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Greece rejects austerity in tense meeting with eurozone’s bailout chief

30 January 2015

The new leftwing Greek government and the man overseeing its bailout operation – the eurozone’s finance chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem – met for the first time in Athens on Friday, and it was a difficult encounter.

Having paid his respects to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, Dijsselbloem entered the lion’s den – the Finance Ministry to confront his nemesis.

There, during a one hour meeting, the Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis told the Eurogroup President in no uncertain terms the country is done cooperating with its bailout lenders, the so-called troika of the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Italian social democrat angry at Dijsselbloem

Today, 08:32

The Social Democratic faction in the European Parliament turned against outgoing [Dutch] Finance Minister Dijsselbloem [also a social democrat, of the Dutch PvdA party; a leader of its Blairite right wing] for an interview with the [German daily] Frankfurter Allgemeine. In it Dijsselbloem criticized southern European countries that receive financial support.

Dijsselbloem said those claiming solidarity of Europe also have duties. “I can not spend all my money on booze and women and then ask for assistance.”


Gianni Pittella, the Italian leader of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament, last night had sharp words for Dijsselbloem. He called his statement outrageous, unworthy of a Social Democrat. Dijsselbloem has lost Pittella’s support to finish his term as Eurogroup president.

Dijsselbloem’s term as president runs out on January 1st. As a caretaker government minister, he may remain in the job, but if there would have been formed a new government before that date in the Netherlands, a problem will arise.

Dijsselbloem’s PvdA party lost heavily in the Dutch 15 March elections, because of their policies as junior partner in a right-wing pro-austerity coalition government: from 38 to 9 MPs. So, it is unlikely that Dijsselbloem will become minister again.

12 thoughts on “Dutch Blairite Dijsselbloem’s anti-south European bigotry

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