Stand Up to Trump coalition founded in Britain

This video from England says about itself:

4 February 2017

In response to the xenophobic and racist executive order signed by Donald Trump, the new president of United States of America, which immediately barred entry to the US to any national of countries (namely Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen) which have been most damaged by past and present US adventurism and violence sponsored by the US government or its allies or carried out directly by the US military and/or those of its allies, regardless of whether these nationals were US residents/citizens, protests erupted around the world.

Following a nationwide round of protests on 30th of January 2017, around the UK, a second round of protests were held, in London, on the 4th of February 2017, as a repeat show of public disapproval of the executive order as well as disapproval of the reaction of United Kingdom’s prime minister, Theresa May, who had already invited Donald Trump to a state visit to the UK and refused to rebuke the executive order, which was signed by Trump shortly after her visit with him at the White House, where they were photographed holding hands while walking together.

This video shows highlights of protests held at the US embassy in London, followed by a march toward Whitehall, and further protests opposite Downing Street (the UK prime minister’s official residence).

Some of the common slogans shouted by demonstrators were:

No hate. No fear. Refugees are welcome here,
Say it loud. Say it clear. Refugees are welcome here,
Say it loud. Say it clear. Donald Trump’s not welcome here,
Theresa May, shame on you,
Shame on you Theresa (May), Fascist appeaser,
No ban. No wall. Equality for all,
No state visit.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Trump visit sparks huge coalition against him

Saturday 11th February 2017

DONALD TRUMP’S proposed state visit has given birth to the “biggest coalition since the height of the anti-war movement.”

Representatives of the TUC, Momentum, Stop the War, the People’s Assembly, unions and religious and community groups gathered in London to launch the Stand Up to Trump coalition at the National Union of Teachers’ central London headquarters yesterday.

Unite’s Andrew Murray reminded the gathering that it united around three basic points: to campaign for the state visit invitation to be revoked, for the British government to disassociate itself with the US president and to demonstrate against the state visit if it goes ahead.

Stop the War spokesman John Rees told the Star: “We oppose Trump as he is an equal opportunities hater. He hates women, black people, Mexicans, Muslims, disabled people, gay people and working-class people.

“But the paradox is that it gives us the opportunity to build the widest possible opposition to Trump.”

And People’s Assembly national secretary Sam Fairbairn said: “This is the broadest coalition of organisations coming together since the height of the anti-war movement.”

A national Stand Up to Trump organising summit will be held at Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London on Saturday February 18. And there are plans for a nationwide day of action during February 20’s parliamentary debate on the visit.

19 thoughts on “Stand Up to Trump coalition founded in Britain

  1. Saturday 11th February 2017

    posted by Morning Star in World

    US PRESIDENT Donald Trump threw a hissy fit yesterday as his third attempt to reinstate the “Muslim Ban” was blocked by judges.

    The bigoted billionaire lashed out at the San Francisco-based Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals dismissal of his government’s appeal on Twitter yesterday morning, calling it “a disgraceful decision.”

    The ban, which bars Muslim citizens from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Sudan from travelling to the US, was suspended by a federal judge in Seattle last week after the states of Minnesota and Washington sued the government.

    The Justice Department appealed the decision but failed to reinstate the ban after it was unanimously rejected in the Ninth Circuit Court.

    In their ruling, the tribunal wrote that the government had failed to show anyone from those countries had carried out a terrorist attack in the US, but had simply argued the courts had no right to interfere in the matter.

    While acknowledging the president’s right to make policy and ensure security, it said: “The public also has an interest in free flow of travel, in avoiding separation of families and in freedom from discrimination.”

    The judges also upheld that the ban was unconstitutional because it discriminates on the basis of religion.

    Mr Trump however refuted the ruling saying: “It’s a political decision, we’re going to see them in court,” indicating he would appeal to the Supreme Court.

    In capitals he also furiously tweeted: “SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!”

    The ban, which was imposed on January 27, received worldwide condemnation and sparked mass protests with critics describing the measure as racist and inhumane.


  2. Saturday 11th
    posted by Morning Star in Features

    DONALD TRUMP’S presidency is turning out to be every bit as dangerous and divisive as progressives across the world feared.

    The rhetoric of his campaign and that of his supporters during the election saw great concern in the US and beyond about prospects of a rise in racism, sexism, misogyny, Islamophobia, anti-semitism and homophobia.

    Now, his first spate of executive orders have confirmed the worst of our fears.

    He has targeted migrants and Muslims in the first weeks of his presidency, confirming that many of those already facing persecution and discrimination are set for an even harder time in the years ahead.

    The most attention of course — and global outcry — has been concerning what has been termed the “Muslim Ban.”

    Trump signed an executive order blocking travellers from seven countries, all of which are Muslim-majority — Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya and Somalia — from entering the US for 90 days.

    New refugee admissions are suspended for 120 days while Syrian refugees are banned indefinitely.

    But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    In an interview, he said he continues to believe waterboarding works and talked about bringing it back, though it is outlawed in the US as torture.

    This has again faced significant opposition — his new defence secretary, retired general James Mattis, is on record as saying he does not believe waterboarding is effective and has reiterated it is illegal, as have top Republican congressional leaders such as speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan.

    And of course, he has no solutions to inequality, poverty, lack of public services and social injustice at home — with “Obamacare” repeal firmly on the agenda.

    Defence of Obamacare and the demand for public healthcare for US citizens is also an issue on which many are taking to the streets in the US.

    Additionally, on the international stage, vital agreements and examples of co-operation are also on the receiving end of the Trump administration’s ire — whether it be for international disarmament or to take vital steps to tackle climate change.

    Indeed, Trump has approved construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, which had both been halted during Barack Obama’s administration amid outcry from environmental and Native American groups.

    When it comes to neighbouring Latin America, Trump has said he will go ahead with building a wall on the Mexican border, with his supporters accompanying this with militaristic and jingoistic interventions.

    This has led to a backlash from left-wing presidents in the region, including Evo Morales of Bolivia and Rafael Correa of Ecuador, who said there needs to be “a regional stand to defend the main type of mobility, which is human mobility, the defence of human rights, [and in] reminding the United States that they have been a country of migrants.”

    Perhaps most worryingly in terms of international affairs and foreign policy, national security adviser Michael Flynn made a surprise appearance at one of the daily press briefings to announce that the administration was putting Iran “on notice” after the country conducted a ballistic missile test.

    In a major attack on women’s right internationally, the global gag rules has been reinstated — this Reagan-era rule (that was not in effect for most of the Obama years) bans international NGOs with US funding from providing abortions or offering information about abortion. This includes testifying about the impacts of illegal abortion.

    George Bush followed a similar course to Trump on this issue and according to Engender Health, a global women’s health organisation, the Bush-era cuts resulted in more than 20 developing countries losing access to US-provided contraceptives.

    Around the globe, many NGOs were forced to shut down or downsize, reducing the availability of family planning services, HIV programmes and maternal and child health programmes.

    At the time of writing, over 1.8 million people here in Britain have signed a petition arguing that Trump not be accorded a state visit and I was delighted to address one of the big anti-Trump demonstrations in London.

    Jeremy Corbyn led the way in calling for no state visit to Trump, writing to Theresa May to demand that she withdraws the offer, saying: “I support the demand of millions of British people.

    “Donald Trump should not be welcomed on a state visit to this country while he continues to propagate his anti-women, anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican policies.

    “His invite should be withdrawn until the executive orders are gone and every element of them repealed.”

    Let no-one be in doubt that the current Labour Party leadership will oppose all those who fan the flames of fear at home and abroad and be proud to be part of this global movement of hope, that is also a burgeoning movement here in Britain, that will stand up to Trump and for a fairer future.

    Diane Abbott is shadow home secretary and MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington.


  3. Saturday 11th
    posted by Morning Star in Features

    The Paddy McGuffin column

    With so much going on over the pond it is possible that some people on this septic isle may be feeling rather smug. If, that is, it’s possible to be smug while constantly looking over one’s shoulder and having the nearest nuclear bunker hard-wired into your sat nav.

    “We may be in a hell of a mess, but at least we haven’t elected a fascist moron.”

    Well, we didn’t elect her but there’s not a hell of a lot to choose between May and Trump in terms of policy.

    It’s just that she’s slightly more polished in her delivery and makes arbitrary decisions behind closed doors — not on Twitter.

    The golden rule of political observation is that when something massive happens somewhere else always keep one eye on what’s happening at home.

    The odious adage: “a good day to bury bad news” still holds significant allure in Westminster circles.

    And this week saw a particularly egregious example of the practice. While half the world is glued to the ongoing ruckus in Washington over the legality otherwise of the Muslim ban something rather similar albeit less bombastic has been going on in the back rooms of Westminster.

    It emerged that while — publicly at least — distancing themselves from Trump’s vile plan, although tellingly not condemning it, May and her cronies have been quietly bricking up the drawbridge of Fortress Britain.

    Employing the customary legerdemain and the cover of the ongoing US debacle and fatuous sapphire anniversary celebrations for the parasite-in-chief, late on Wednesday, conveniently after most of the press had gone to print, ministers quietly dropped the bombshell that they were axing a scheme to grant asylum to 3,000 desperate and vulnerable children.

    It is galling in the extreme that in the week we are told we should be “celebrating” the 65th year of Lizzy Brit’s state-funded life of luxury the government claims we cannot afford to help destitute children fleeing war, rape, torture and starvation.

    Blink and you would have missed it, which was after all the whole point.

    Fortunately, for a change, the opposition and fourth estate didn’t.

    Responding to a parliamentary question ministers grudgingly muttered that, far from the 3,000 child refugees it had pledged to allow into Britain under the Dubs Amendment they were only planning to allow 350 in then planned to covertly scrap the scheme completely and hope nobody noticed.

    Now that is disgusting enough but, when one considers that the Dubs Amendment was proposed by Labour peer Alf Dubs, who was himself a refugee forced to flee persecution by the nazis and who drew direct parallels between that situation and the ongoing refugee crisis, it is an abomination.

    Proposing the amendment Dubs spoke passionately and eloquently, stating quite correctly that if it had not been for the Kindertransport, which saw thousands of Jewish children granted refugee status in Britain, he and countless others would have been murdered.

    It is beyond irony that the same government which has been gleefully nailing the union flag to the mast in an orgy of jingoism and is happy to evoke the memory of WWII at every opportunity and boast of this nation’s “proud history of opposing totalitarianism” for its own political gain, would effectively spit on the graves of millions of victims of that war and dig new ones for thousands of other innocents with its viciously xenophobic policies.

    It fell to Home Secretary Amber Rudd who, lest we forget, used her first party conference speech in post to spew forth a torrent of racist bile and knee-jerk reactionism and then denied she had done anything of the sort, to attempt to defend the indefensible.

    She denied that the Dubs scheme was being scrapped despite the fact the government had just admitted that this was exactly what they were planning to do and then basically performed a volte face and said yes it was closing but it wasn’t the government’s fault.

    And anyway, she claimed, what the government was doing, directing funds to camps around Syria, was far more important.

    This is not a one or the other situation. They could easily do both. They just don’t want to.

    Then she pulled out the equivalent of the racist top trumps winning card by claiming that the scheme was encouraging more children to risk their lives and leading to an increase in child trafficking.

    Even in Westminster where tortuous logic is employed on a daily basis that is a spectacular example of double speak.

    If I understand the argument correctly it goes along the lines of, “If we stop people legally coming here that will prevent them coming here illegally.”

    They can’t even be bothered to lie convincingly anymore.

    Even a few Tories were disgusted by the blatant hypocrisy of it all.

    Not the polyester-coiffured political colossus that is Michael Fabricant though.

    Fabricant pointed to his own Jewish heritage — the equivalent of a racist denying he’s a racist “because he’s got black friends” — and suggested that it was distasteful and inaccurate to draw parallels between the Kindertransport and the current situation.

    Suddenly the scales have been lifted from my eyes.

    When you think about it it’s obvious and I for one am indebted to Fabricant for his perspicacity and the forensic rigour of his argument.

    Because on the one hand you had children being forced to flee their countries, being hounded by murderous zealots and racists on ethnic and religious grounds.

    While on the other… they might have brown skin.,-and-forbid-them,-to-come-unto-me#.WJ9KkvKbIdU


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