‘Dutch warplanes kill terrorists … oops, civilians in Iraq’

This video from the USA says about itself:

20 November 2015

A U.S. air strike that targeted an Islamic State checkpoint in Iraq in March likely killed four civilians, one of whom may have been a child. Air Forces Central Command began investigating the March 13 air strike by an A-10 tank-killer jet near al Hatra, Iraq, on April 20 after an Iraqi citizen reported that her car had been destroyed and its passengers killed. The US military while rarely acknowledging civilian casualities has recently began investigating several dozen strikes in which civilians were reported killed. In May, it concluded two children had been killed in an air strike in Syria in November 2014.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Possibly civilian deaths in Iraq by Dutch F-16s

Today, 00:37

In Iraq bombing by Dutch F-16s has possibly caused civilian casualties. This is evident from the answers to questions in parliament by the government. The reason for those questions was the decision to extend the bombing of ISIS into Syria.

The Netherlands has so far fired precision weapons 1300 times in Iraq.

So ‘precise’ that they kill civilians, like other armed forces’ ‘precision’ weapons do.

There is an investigation of two cases where civilians may have died. The Ministry of Defence does research, and has also informed the Public Prosecution Service.

For operational reasons, no details are released about the individual studies. Parliament will be informed after the examination.


The government last week took the decision to also bomb ISIS targets in Syria. The Netherlands is thus responding to a request from the United States Secretary of Defense.

At least seven people were reported killed Thursday when a US-led coalition warplane carried out an air strike against the Ibn-Al-Athir hospital compound in Mosul: here.

29 thoughts on “‘Dutch warplanes kill terrorists … oops, civilians in Iraq’

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