Paralympics spectators boo Brazilian coup president Temer

This video says about itself:

Brazil: Temer booed at Independence Day Parade and at Paralympics

8 September 2016

There were jeers from protesters on Wednesday as Michel Temer arrived to take part in his first Independence Day Parade as Brazil’s President.

In office for a week, after Dilma Rousseff‘s removal, national celebrations should have been a happy occasion for the conservative politician, coinciding with the start of Brazil hosting the Paralympic Games.

But not even the presence of Paralympic athletes in the parade in Brasilia could deflect from the discontent being expressed in the capital and beyond.

Read more here.

At the recent Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, spectators booed Brazilian coup president Temer at the opening ceremony. So, Temer did not dare to go to the closing ceremony.

Maybe he thought spectators at the Paralympics, which started in Rio yesterday, would be more uncritical about corrupt politicians.

However, United States weekly Newsweek reports:

Rio Paralympics 2016: Brazil President Michel Temer Booed at Opening Ceremony

The jeers came a day after impeached former president Dilma Rousseff left office.

By Jack Moore on 9/8/16 at 9:12 AM

Brazilians jeered their new President Michel Temer on Wednesday as he attended an Independence Day rally in Brasilia and the opening ceremony of the Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro.

The events were the first official gatherings that Temer had attended since becoming the country’s president on August 31 after Dilma Rousseff was impeached and removed from office …

And it has already started badly for her replacement. Not only because of the jeers as he opened the games, but also fresh protests around the country.

Thousands of protesters descended on almost a dozen Brazilian cities to call for change, with chants such as “Temer Out” and “Usurper” among the calls. Tens of thousands turned out in Sao Paulo, according to organizers, with a smaller gathering of 600 in the country’s capital, Brasilia.

Paralympics tickets are cheaper than for the Olympics, so more not so well off Brazilians are able to attend.

Like at the Olympics, there is also a refugee team at the Paralympics. Syrian swimmer Ibrahim Al Hussein carried its flag. He used to swim in the Euphrates river. His father was a swimming coach. When Al Hussein tried to help another civilian injured in the war in Syria, he lost a leg in the bloody violence. He fled to Turkey, then to Greece, in his wheelchair on a dinghy across the Mediterranean.

Al Hussein, 27, was thrust into the spotlight during the Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay, when he carried the torch in Athens, Greece, where he is currently living and training with the help of the Hellenic Paralympic Committee. He will compete in the 50m and 100m freestyle S10 (provisional) as a leg amputee in Rio.

23 thoughts on “Paralympics spectators boo Brazilian coup president Temer

  1. Pingback: Paralympics spectators boo Brazilian coup president Temer — Dear Kitty. Some blog | msamba

  2. Friday 9th September 2016

    posted by Morning Star in World

    Thousands march against Rousseff’s ousting

    by James Tweedie

    TENS of thousands marched on Brazil’s independence day on Wednesday in a “cry of the excluded” against President Michel Temer’s unelected government.

    Protesters gathered in more than a dozen cities to oppose the illegitimate government’s social spending cuts and attacks on workers’ rights — already begun under Mr Temer’s three-month interim administration — chanting: “Temer out.”

    The turncoat vice-president was sworn in as head of state last week after the senate voted by 61 to 20 to impeach elected Workers Party (PT) president Dilma Rousseff — annulling the ballots of 54 million citizens.

    He was booed yesterday when he appeared at independence day celebrations in the capital Brasilia and at the Paralympic opening ceremony in Rio de Janeiro.

    Communist Party of Brazil candidate Silvana Conti from Porto Alegre said: “This September 7 is quite different because the people are experiencing a coup.”

    “It is important that the Brazilian people show that they are not accepting an illegitimate government and will not leave the streets until a return to democracy.”

    At a Rio demonstration PT Senator Lindbergh Farias said: “They did not calculate well the opposition there would be against the withdrawal of workers’ rights.”

    In Brazil’s biggest city Sao Paulo, CUT union federation president Vagner Freitas told crowds: “They do not know us.”

    “They have the press, the judiciary and this corrupt congress in hand. So they thought they could strike a blow in Brazil and nothing would happen.

    “But they forgot that the Brazilian people are with us.

    Mr Freitas said police brutality against protesters in Sao Paulo on Sunday was an echo of the the 1964 US-backed military coup d’etat.

    “The coup of 1964 was military. The coup of 2016 needs military support to survive,” he said.

    Raimundo Bonfim of the Popular Movements Centre told the Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper: “Michel Temer’s government claimed that once the impeachment was approved, the country would be at peace.”

    “What we witnessed was a strong reaction because society realised that a gang of corrupt (politicians) condemned an innocent person, and since then there have been protests against the neoliberal agenda.”


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