Greeks against austerity, Greek generals pro-austerity

This video says about itself:

Workers speak out against austerity at mass demonstration in Athens

4 July 2015

Tens of thousands of people took part in a demonstration Friday evening in Athens, Greece, in opposition to the austerity program of the European Union and International Monetary Fund. The WSWS spoke to demonstrators about the issues at stake in the referendum.

By Alex Lantier:

On eve of referendum

Rumbles of military coup as Greek workers demand end to EU austerity

4 July 2015

Just 24 hours before anti-austerity demonstrators flooded the streets of central Athens on Friday, a number of retired Greek military officers publicly called for a “yes” vote in Sunday’s referendum on the European Union’s demands, defying Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras‘s call for a “no” vote.

The contrast between masses of workers denouncing EU austerity and the pronouncements of prominent military figures could not have been starker. Retired General Fragkoulis Fragkos, a former defense minister and one-time head of the Greek army general staff, called for a “loud yes on Sunday.” In 2011, Fragkos was cashiered by then-Prime Minister George Papandreou amid rumors of a coup.

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