Dutch businessman supports Greek government, opposes European Union austerity

This video says about itself:

17 June 2015

Thousands of Greeks have been rallying in front of their Parliament building on the eve of yet another meeting with creditors about the country’s financial future.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands today:

Greece would do well to to leave the euro zone, Dutch businessman Ron Veraart believes. He is not afraid of the outcome of the referendum which Prime Minister Tsipras announced this night. “I think Greece is able to stand on its own feet.”

Veraart married a Greek woman and moved to Athens. He knows Greek politics and economics well and follows the news around the debt issue closely. “The measures proposed by the lenders are almost barbaric,” he says.

Although he as a businessman has little in common with the leftist ideology of Tsipras, Veraart appreciates his tenacity. “I think he must stand behind his program, even if it means a Greek exit from the euro.”

Suicides in Greece Increased by 35% During Austerity. 20,000 Greeks were rendered homeless within the first two years of the country’s austerity measures: here.

THE debt talks between Greece and its international creditors collapsed on Thursday night with German Chancellor Merkel telling the Greek PM Tsipras to shut up, and members of the Syriza government accusing the Troika of seeking to organise a Greek right-wing coup against the elected government. The reality is that Greece and its workers, farmers and youth have been bled dry, but this is not enough to satisfy the Draculas of the Troika (the European Commission, European Central Bank and the IMF): here.

1 thought on “Dutch businessman supports Greek government, opposes European Union austerity

  1. Pingback: Greeks against austerity, Greek generals pro-austerity | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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