Charlie Hebdo massacre grief abused for racist violence

This 8 January 2015 video is called Revenge attacks? 2 separate assaults on mosques rock France.

By Anthony Torres in France:

French Muslims targeted by revenge attacks after Charlie Hebdo shootings

10 January 2015

The shootings at Charlie Hebdo have encouraged the most reactionary forces to target innocent Muslims in France, after years of incitement of anti-Muslim sentiments by politicians and the media.

Houses of worship have been targeted across France in recent days. Wednesday night, one suspect was arrested after having sprayed graffiti markings such as “Death to Arabs” on the doors of the mosque in Poitiers, according to La Nouvelle République.

On Friday morning, further Islamophobic graffiti was found on the Bayonne mosque. Slogans such as “Charlie liberty,” “Assassins,” and “Dirty Arabs” were painted on the mosque’s doors and trashcans.

Explosions were heard Thursday near the mosque in Le Mans. The next morning, police found a training grenade inside the mosque and a bullet that had been shot through one of its windows.

Grapeshot was also fired at the doors of a prayer room at Port-la-Nouvelle, without claiming any victims.

A kebab stand next to the mosque at Villefranche-sur-Saône was blown over by an explosion, while in Corsica the head and internal organs of a boar were attached to the entryway of a Muslim prayer room in Corte.

Individuals have also been physically threatened or intimidated. A high school student was jeered and beaten at the ceremonies marking a minute of silence for the Charlie Hebdo shootings at the Oiselet high school at Bourgoin-Jallieu.

In a street in Caromb, a car belonging to a Muslim family was shot multiple times, according to Le Figaro, though no one was wounded.

These Islamophobic acts testify to the dangerous racist climate being stoked in France by the Socialist Party (PS) government and the promotion of the neofascist National Front.

A young Muslim man has been hailed a hero for hiding hostages fleeing gunman Amedy Coulibaly after he stormed a Jewish supermarket: here.

Rupert Murdoch has been heavily criticised for claiming Muslims must “recognise and destroy their growing jihadist cancer” or be “held responsible” after the Paris shootings at Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket: here.

Paris policeman’s brother: ‘Islam is a religion of love. My brother was killed by terrorists, by false Muslims’. Ahmed Merabet was the first police officer at the scene of the Charlie Hebdo attack. He was shot dead in cold blood. Now his brother has appealed for calm: here.

Hezbollah Chief Nasrallah: Extremists Harm Islam More Than Cartoons: here.

Reza Aslan: Anyone who asks why Muslims have not condemned terrorism can’t use Google: here.

Britain: Tory MP wants to scrap Human Rights Act, because Charlie Hebdo: here.

11 thoughts on “Charlie Hebdo massacre grief abused for racist violence

  1. Pingback: Charlie Hebdo massacre grief abused for racist violence | The Socialist

  2. L’attentat contre l’hebdomadaire satirique Charlie Hebdo marquera notre histoire contemporaine. Il reste à savoir dans quel sens et avec quelles conséquences. Dans le contexte actuel de « guerre contre le terrorisme » (guerre extérieure) et de racisme et d’islamophobie d’Etat, les artisans de cet acte ont, consciemment ou non [1] accéléré un processus de stigmatisation et d’isolement de la composante musulmane, réelle ou supposée, des classes populaires.


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  5. Pingback: Islamophobic attack on French mosque | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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