Wild animals ban for circuses in the Netherlands

This video says about itself:

Wild Animals in Circuses to be banned in England (2015) but France…

5 July 2013

Hear how wild animals in circuses are to be banned in England but unfortunately not in other European countries. Natasha Breed narrates her feelings when coming across a circus with wild animals in it in France.

According to NOS TV in the Netherlands today, the Dutch government has decided to ban the use of wild animals in circuses. The ban will become effective on 15 September 2015.

This means hippos, tigers, giraffes, elephants and some other species will no longer be legal in circuses.

In 2012, 16 circuses performed in the Netherlands, with 119 wild animals together.

Heston Blumenthal drops his fois gras supplier after video shows the ducks being treated poorly. The celebrity chef expressed concern about the way the birds were reared: here.

14 thoughts on “Wild animals ban for circuses in the Netherlands

  1. Congress passes ban on circus animals

    Mexico: Congress has passed legislation to ban the use of animals in circuses across the country.

    The lower chamber’s vote on Thursday followed one earlier in the week by the Senate and came six months after Mexico City passed a similar ban that is to go into effect next year.

    Six states have also adopted bans.



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