French ex-President Sarkozy’s homophobia

This French video is called Gay Pride de Paris 2013.

From daily The Guardian in Britain:

Nicolas Sarkozy calls for repeal of France’s same-sex marriage law

Former president says he favours some form of marriage for same-sex couples, but not the same as for heterosexuals

The former French president Nicolas Sarkozy has told supporters that the country’s same-sex marriage law should be scrapped.

Sarkozy, who is campaigning to lead the opposition centre-right UMP party and is expected to run again for president in 2017, was speaking at a debate organised by the conservative Common Sense (Sens Commun) group on Saturday.

Homophobes calling themselves ‘Common Sense’ … reminding one of George Orwell’s novel 1984, where war is peace and ignorance is strength.

Referring to the “mariage pour tous” or “marriage for all” legislation passed by France’s Socialist government last year, he said it needed “rewriting from top to bottom”.

His comments, two weeks before the UMP’s hotly contested leadership election, prompted catcalls from the 3,000-strong audience and cries of “Repeal! Repeal!”. Sarkozy, appearing rattled, responded: “If you’d rather one says repeal the law and make another one … in French, that’s saying the same thing. It comes to the same result. But hey, if that makes you happy, then frankly, it doesn’t cost much.”

Sarkozy explained he was in favour of some form of marriage for same-sex couples, but something different from that for heterosexuals. He said he opposed surrogate parenthood for same-sex couples.

The same-sex marriage legislation is known officially as the Taubira law, named after the justice minister Christiane Taubira who oversaw its introduction.

“It’s no use being against surrogacy if you don’t repeal the Taubira law,” Sarkozy said to cheers and applause.

The former president, who has been married three times, has previously criticised the legislation, saying it was “humiliating families and humiliating people who love the family”, but it is the first time he has called for its repeal.

An Ifop poll published on Saturday found that 68% of respondents supported same-sex unions and 53% supported adoption by same-sex couples, which is illegal in France.

Sarkozy’s comment and apparent policy-making on the hoof brought angry reactions from the governing Socialist party, which accused him of “appealing to the most reactionary instincts of his core supporters”. A spokesperson said Sarkozy wanted to create “a new form of segregation” with his two-tier marriage proposal.

Sarkozy calls for UMP unity after narrow victory in leadership contest. French opposition party supporters in record turnout but under 65% give ex-president mandate for 2017 election: here.

FRENCH former president Nicolas Sarkozy didn’t exactly get a warm embrace from his party on his return to public life on Saturday.

Mr Sarkozy won a race for leader of France’s main conservative party – but with a margin of victory smaller than predicted: here.

February 201: new Sarkozy scandal.

17 thoughts on “French ex-President Sarkozy’s homophobia

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  5. A French court in Paris ruled yesterday that judges were within their rights to tap phone conversations between former president Nicolas Sarkozy and his lawyer.

    The tapping was part of an investigation into election campaign funding.

    Investigators recorded the conversations in 2013-2014 as part of a probe into allegations that Mr Sarkozy’s 2007 presidential campaign had received funding from the Libyan government.

    Mr Sarkozy won that election but then lost to Socialist Party candidate Francois Hollande in 2012.

    From the recordings, taken from phones registered in Mr Sarkozy’s name and the false identity of Paul Bismuth, they found evidence of an alleged influence-peddling plot by Mr Sarkozy and his lawyer Thierry Herzog.

    This led to more serious charges of active corruption, indicating that he orchestrated corrupt acts rather than just participating in them.

    Active corruption carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.

    The probe was halted for seven months after Messrs Sarkozy and Herzog protested that the phone-tapping was a clear breach of lawyer-client privilege and that the investigating judges had not received proper authorisation.

    “The fight for the confidentiality of communications between a lawyer and client is not just Thierry Herzog’s fight, it is the fight of all lawyers,” said Mr Herzog’s own lawyer Paul-Albert Iweins.

    Yesterday’s ruling clears the way for the investigation against both men to proceed, striking a major blow against Mr Sarkozy’s chances of running in the 2017 presidential election.


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