Great egret, buzzards, singing blackbird

This video is about a great egret in Spain.

Today, along the old harbour of Hilversum, nuthatch and robin sounds.

A jay calls in Corversbos nature reserve.

In Gooilust nature reserve many chaffinches today. Great tit. Blackbird. Great spotted woodpecker sound, playing drums on a branch.

A great egret flying over a meadow. I had not seen that species here before.

Two buzzards flying.

Two jays.

Then, a blackbid singing. That is supposed to start in spring; and it is not eve New Year’s Day yet! Probably the unusually mild winter weather.

This video is about a blackbird singing.

In a meadow: two Egyptian geese; a grey heron; many jackdaws, and some rooks.

A robin on a fence in another meadow.

37 thoughts on “Great egret, buzzards, singing blackbird

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