Awesome Blog Content Award, thanks KnowBody’s BusyNess!

Awesome Blog Content Award

KnowBody’s BusyNess has been so kind to nominate Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Awesome Blog Content Award.

Thank you so much, my dear blogging friend, for this kind gesture! So soon after the earlier nomination of my blog for this award by Tazein.

The rules of the Awesome Blog Content Award are:

Add the ABC logo to your new blog post.
Write one word or a phrase about yourself that begins with A, B, C, etc.
Nominate some blogs.
Leave a comment on those blogs to let them know!

Here comes my alphabet (a bit different from my earlier nominations for this award 🙂 ):

A. Algarve

B. Birds. Bahrain

C. Caspian terns

D. Drenthe province in the Netherlands, where I was as well.

E. Ecuador

F. France

G. Gambia

H. Herman Heijermans. Henriette Roland Holst.

I. Indonesia

J. Japanese anti-war movement

K. Kenya

L. London

M. Melina Mercouri. Morocco

N. Newshound

O. Oostvaardersplassen

P. Picasso. Photos

Q. Questioning; being critical, not assuming automatically that corporate media are right.

R. Rocky mountains in Canada, where I was once.

S. Svalbard. And Suriname

T. Turkey

U. Uruguay

V. Vietnam

W. Whales

X. Xenophobia, like of the Golden Dawn nazis in Greece, should stop.

Y. Yellowhammers

Z. Zeeland

My nominees are:

1. Perjalanan kecil

2. Poetsandall’s Blog

3. Digital and Media Literacy

4. kushtrimthaqi

5. shedreamsingreenblog

6. Nikki Wheeler Paintings

7. Samina’s Forum for police support

8. Wolf Is My Soul

9. Mungai and the Goa Constrictor

10. Grădinița Fluturașilor Talentați

11. Kaligrafi Nusantara

12. antilandscaper

13. rabirius

14. Joëlle Jean-Baptiste – Author (JoëlleWrites)

15. Tish Farrell

15 thoughts on “Awesome Blog Content Award, thanks KnowBody’s BusyNess!

  1. Pingback: Awesome Blog Content Award, thanks Carina! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Awesome Blog Content Award, thanks Dear Kitty! |

  3. Pingback: Awesome Blog Content Award, thanks Barbara! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Blog Of The Year 2013 Award, thanks Tazein! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: Thanks for the Nominations! | Mungai and the Goa Constrictor

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