Birds and butterflies of Rottumerplaat island

This is a video of a spoonbill nest with chicks. By the way, spoonbills nested this year in Cronesteyn park in Leiden, the Netherlands.

Bart and Doortje Ebbinge-Dallmeijer, wardens of Rottumerplaat desert island in the Netherlands, blog about what they have seen.

On 1 August, just before they left, they noted a few new spoonbill nests. They counted a total of 41 spoonbill nests on Rottumerplaat this year.

They saw many rare grayling butterflies. Other butterfly species were red admiral, peacock, painted lady, large white, green-veined white, small white, small tortoiseshell, small heath, meadow brown, common blue, Essex skipper. And six-spot burnet moth. And a southern hawker dragonfly.

22 thoughts on “Birds and butterflies of Rottumerplaat island

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