Amazon rainforest burning, far-right Brazilian Bolsonaro fiddling

This 22 August 2019 video says about itself:

Bolsonaro blames Amazon rainforest wildfires on green groups | DW News

Brazil‘s right wing president Jair Bolsonaro says non-governmental organisations may have intentionally started wildfires in the Amazon rainforest to embarrass him and his government. He offered no evidence to back up his claim.

The truth is that Bolsonaro‘s rich supporters start many of these fires: ranchers wanting to replace the rainforest with agribusiness for them to get even richer. To do that, the Bolsonaro supporters murder native Americans living in the forest; inspired by Bolsonaro’s anti-native Brazilian rhetoric and policies.

According to Brazil’s space agency, a record number of almost 73,000 forest fires were recorded in the country already this year. The Amazon forest produces one-fifth of the world’s oxygen and absorbs one-quarter of all the CO2 taken in by the earth’s forests. Losing the Amazon rainforest could mean losing one of the world’s greatest natural defenses against climate change.

This Instagram post by Dutch model Doutzen Kroes gives more honest information on the Amazon fires than environmentalists-smearing Bolsonaro does. One point of criticism: Ms Kroes writes about ‘farmers’ starting the fires. While better names for these rich people are ranchers, big landowners, landlords.

This 17 August 2019 video is called Brazil’s Bolsonaro Permitting “Brutal, Fast” Decimation of Amazon Rainforest.

This 22 August 2019 video shows that, contrary to Bolsonaro, the left-wing government of neighbouring Bolivia is acting against the wildfires in its part of the Amazon.

This 23 August 2019 musical parody video from Britain is called O Prodígio – Fire Starter (Bolsonaro as The Prodigy).

It is a parody of the The Prodigy song Fire Starter.

It says about itself:

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is O Prodígio on Amazon-burning new single, “Fire Starter”.


Fuck you, I am Jair Bolsonaro

I’m the trouble starter, tree incinerator
Eco genocider, fuck you birds and spiders!
I’m a firestarter, death to Amazonia
I’m a firestarter, liberals I’ve owned ya!
I’m a firestarter – okay, send in the farmers!

Fuck indingenous people, so what if it’s not legal?
They should use their tears to put out Jair’s fires
I’m a firestarter for the agricultural sector
Eco genocider, carbon dioxider
Get used to CO2, soon there will be no you

Fuck you all!

Now, after a storm of indignation all over the world, Bolsonaro has given in somewhat. He says he will send the army to the Amazon to fight fires.

Here is a video about Latin Americans demonstrating against Bolsonaro’s fires.

39 thoughts on “Amazon rainforest burning, far-right Brazilian Bolsonaro fiddling

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