Coronavirus threat in Brazil

This 17 April 2020 video says about itself:

Brazil outbreak: Paramedics risk their lives in coronavirus fight

Brazil has Latin America’s worst outbreak, with nearly 2,000 reported deaths and more than 30,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

As in many other countries, its health workers are putting themselves at risk in the battle against the coronavirus pandemic.

Al Jazeera’s Manuel Rapalo reports.

Amazon Tribes Say Christian Missionaries Threaten ‘Genocide’ During Pandemic. The novel coronavirus outbreak has intensified a decadeslong battle between indigenous tribes and evangelical Christian missionaries in the most remote regions of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, as tribes warning of the virus’s potential to cause their “genocide” have pushed to ban controversial religious groups from entering their lands: here.

Brazilian extreme right President Bolsonaro hates the Amazon, hates its wildlife and hates native Brazilians living there; and loves these fundamentalist missionaries.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro escalates coup threats as ruling class pushes “back-to-work” orders. By Miguel Andrade, 22 April 2020. As COVID-19 spread uncontrolled across the country, Bolsonaro delivered a fascist rant in front of hundreds of supporters gathered at Brazil’s Army headquarters.