French neonazi Islamophobes convicted

This video from Britain says about itself:

UK outlaws neo-Nazi group as fascist “Identitarians” rise across Europe

Sky News & Newsnight 12 December 2016

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Far-right group guilty of mosque sit-in

Saturday 9th December 2017

FIVE members of France’s chauvinist Identitarian movement were convicted late on Thursday of the 2012 occupation of a mosque in Poitiers.

The Paris court handed down suspended prison sentences for the five members of the Generation Identity youth wing and imposed fines and other penalties amounting to nearly €40,000 (£35,000).

The October 2012 sit-in saw scores of members scale the mosque and unfurl banners, including one reading “Remember Charles Martel,” who halted the advance of the invading Muslim army during the 732 battle of Poitiers. Muslim groups and politicians widely condemned the act.

2 thoughts on “French neonazi Islamophobes convicted

  1. Pingback: French Marine Le Pen’s links to violent neonazis | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Australian nazi Christchurch terrorist, his Austrian connection | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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