Trump-NATO warplanes keep killing Syrian civilians

This video says about itself:

26 May 2017

At least 106 civilians, including 42 children, have been killed in a series of air strikes by the US-led coalition on … eastern Syria, according to a monitoring group.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) says the deaths resulted from air strikes targeting Al Mayadeen in the province of Deir Az Zor.

Between April 23 and May 23 of this year, US coalition strikes have already killed a total of 225 civilians in Syria, including dozens of children.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Again many civilians killed by air strikes in Syria

Today, 17:55

In the east of Syria, the United States coalition caused many civilian casualties in air attacks. Initially, it was assumed to be 35 people, but that number has risen to more than one hundred. This report the Syrian authorities [in Damascus] and the [anti-Damascus] Syrian Observatory for Human Rights in London.

The air strikes were carried out on Mayadeen town …

In recent months, the number of civilians killed in air raids has increased. Yesterday it became known that more than a hundred people died in an attack led by the US Americans in Mosul [in Iraq] in March. …

The number of civilian deaths is rising for a number of reasons. … In addition, the procedures have changed, allowing commanders more to easily start air attacks without the need for permission.

A change of policy by the new Donald Trump administration in the USA.

According to the US Americans, since the beginning of the war, three years ago, 352 civilians died because of air attacks. The independent research institute Airwars calculates the number of deaths to be many more, namely 3100.

President Trump’s foreign policy is falling into line behind continuing wars in the Middle East, a disappointment to supporters who hoped for a change in course, writes James W Carden.

HOW TRUMP’S WAR ON ISIS IS RAISING CIVILIAN CASUALTIES “‘You can’t keep ’em on your side if you’re killing ’em,’ explained a retired four-star combat commander.” [HuffPost]

30 thoughts on “Trump-NATO warplanes keep killing Syrian civilians

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  7. Thursday 8th June 2017

    posted by James Tweedie in World

    US JETS bombed Syrian troops near the Iraqi border for the second time on Tuesday night, both countries’ armed forces confirmed yesterday.

    A statement from the US-led Operation Inherent Resolve coalition said its aircraft attacked a convoy of “pro-regime forces” headed for the al-Tanf border post, where US, British and Norwegian special forces are in occupation.

    It claimed the force was “posing a threat to coalition and partner forces based at the al-Tanf garrison” and had violated the 34-mile exclusion zone the US claims under the non-conflict agreement with Russian forces in Syria.

    But a Syrian armed forces source told the official Sana news agency the air strike hit al-Shamiyah, more than 45 miles from the border post.

    The source did not give a clear casualty figure but Russia’s Sputnik said that two soldiers were killed.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said yesterday that he knew nothing of the US zones, adding: “We consider illegitimate any unilateral declaration of ‘non-conflict zones’ not endorsed by Damascus.”

    On May 18 the coalition bombed Syrian forces, referring to them as “Iranianbacked militias,” which were driving Free Syrian Army (FSA) forces back towards al-Tanf.

    But yesterday’s statement said the target was “more than 60 soldiers,” an apparent admission that it had been the Syrian army that was was targeted.

    The US is backing the FSA to seize the oil-rich eastern province of Deir Ezzor before a Syrian army offensive lifts the three-year Isis siege of the provincial capital.

    That would put them in control of the Iraqi border, which the Iranian-backed PMU (People’s Mobilisation Units) militia may soon cross in support of Damascus.

    On Tuesday Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said his forces would seek to control the border in co-operation with Syria against their common foe Isis.

    He said: “Our main objective is to protect Iraq and protect the Iraqi-Syrian borders too. Entering Syria would create international complications that we don’t need.”


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