Dutch bank stops cooperation with Brunstad Christian Church

This video says about itself:

7 December 2017

Heidi grew up a member of the Brunstad Cult and in this touching video shares what it was like for her to grow up without any freedom. The oldest of 8 children, Heidi had no friends outside of the community and was raised to take care of her younger siblings. Heidi has since cut off ties with the Brunstad Christian Church and her former life.

A Dutch 2010 video was about tax dodging by for profit businesses owned by the cult-like Brunstad Christian Church.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Rabobank ceases cooperation with controversial religious denomination

Today, 18:31

Rabobank stops funding the controversial religious organisation Brunstad Christian Church, NRC Handelsblad daily reports. The bank also ceases the payments of companies, foundations and (former) directors of the church.

Last year there was a stir about the Brunstad Christian Church when NRC reported that 12-year-olds were made to work to earn money for the organization. It also turned out that the two top leaders of the cult-like church have enriched themselves for many years. Not much later, the newspaper reported that two officials of the Ministry of Finance helped Brunstad Christian Church in tax evasion.

According to NRC, Rabobank has reviewed the Brunstad Christian Church network. From this it emerged that tax rules have not been complied with. The money that was used went through Rabobank bank accounts.

A leaked document states that the bank will “in no way” cooperate on issues “which could harm the reputation or reputation of the bank, or endanger the integrity of the bank.” …

The Brunstad Christian Church are a global Christian community of faith, founded in Norway in 1897. The global center is in Brunstad, in southern Norway. The Dutch branch, which calls itself the Christian Congregation of the Netherlands, has 2,000 members. The Brunstad Christian Church consider themselves true believers, avoiding contact with outsiders as much as possible, and regard homosexuality as a sin.

Triodos bank stops cooperation with this church: here.

4 thoughts on “Dutch bank stops cooperation with Brunstad Christian Church

  1. Pingback: Dutch banks help palm oil destruction | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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