Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch

This video says about itself:

Trump & Rupert Murdoch Team Up to Kill the Internet

8 January 2017

Donald Trump is reportedly seeking recommendations as to who should be the next FCC Chair from right-wing billionaire Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch is against net neutrality, as is Donald Trump, and together their FCC Chair choice will surely attempt to kill the internet by gutting the FCC’s current regulations which mandate net neutrality.

Source: here.

By Solomon Hughes in Britain:

Murdoch was the voyeur to the Gove-Trump love-in

Friday 17th February 2017

BACK in January, I wrote a piece for the Morning Star arguing that Michael Gove’s bum-licky interview with newly elected US President Donald Trump was a gift from Murdoch, who wants to get in with the Donald.

I don’t write the headlines for my articles — in the newspaper world wonderful people known as subeditors or editors write headlines.

Their headlines are often the best bit, boiling down my ramblings into a punchy sentence.

For that story, the headline was the effective, if slightly yucky: “Murdoch sends Gove to stroke Trump.”

At the time, many other journalists literally didn’t mention Rupert Murdoch when discussing the Gove-Trump interview.

Because Gove is a journalist,

Until recently, he was a Conservative party government minister

other journalists give him an easy ride.

And, I guess, none of us like to admit how much we are influenced by our publishers.

But as readers of this column know, I think Gove can be best understood as an agent for Murdoch.

He has always worked for him and really owes his political career to Murdoch, as well as a £150,000 per year salary he currently gets.

Now the Financial Times has backed up the point that Gove went to Trump as a present from Murdoch.

They have revealed that Murdoch actually secretly sat in on the entire interview between Gove and Trump.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL‘S TOP EDITOR WAS DISPLEASED WITH HIS REPORTERS’ COVERAGE OF TRUMP “Could we please just stick to reporting what he said rather than packaging it in exegesis and selective criticism?” [HuffPost]

ANATOMY OF A FOX NEWS FEAR CAMPAIGN Prime-time Fox News programs used the words “invasion” or “invaders” to describe migrants and asylum-seekers more times in the 30 days leading up to the Nov. 6 midterm election than they did during all of 2015, 2016 and 2017 combined. [HuffPost]

DNC DUMPS FOX NEWS The Democratic National Committee said it will not partner with Fox News for debates during the 2020 election cycle following a New Yorker report that essentially dubbed the network a propaganda arm of the Trump administration. [HuffPost]

TRUMP CRITICS ARE ‘REALLY BAD FOR THE COUNTRY’ Trump has told his detractors they’d “better take it easy,” and called them “dangerous for the country.” Speaking to Fox News, he said: “Some of the language used, some of the words used, even some of the radical ideas, I really think they’re very bad for the country.” [HuffPost]

NEW TRAVEL BAN COMING Trump promised a revised version, which is written to skirt the court rulings on the original executive order: “We can tailor the order to that decision and get just about everything, in some ways more.” [Reuters]

THE ‘LOGISTICAL NIGHTMARE’ OF THE FIRST FAMILY’S TRAVEL SCHEDULE — THAT’S COSTING TAXPAYERS “Barely a month into the Trump presidency, the unusually elaborate lifestyle of America’s new first family is straining the Secret Service and security officials, stirring financial and logistical concerns in several local communities, and costing far beyond what has been typical for past presidents — a price tag that, based on past assessments of presidential travel and security costs, could balloon into the hundreds of millions of dollars over the course of a four-year term.” [WaPo]

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