US NAACP leaders arrested for protesting Trump nominee Sessions

This video from Alabama in the USA says about itself:

Watch NAACP protesters get arrested after staging a sit-in ar Sen. Jeff Sessions‘ office

3 January 2017

Four members of the NAACP have been arrested during a protest at the Mobile office of Sen. Jeff Sessions. NAACP President Cornell William Brooks tweeted shortly before 6:30 p.m. that he believed he and others occupying the office were soon to be arrested.

By Lilly Workneh, Black Voices Senior Editor, The Huffington Post in the USA:

NAACP Stages Sit-In To Protest Attorney General Nominee Jeff Sessions

“The NAACP has chosen not to remain silent on this critical matter.”

01/03/2017 04:32 pm ET

UPDATE: 1/3 ― Several NAACP leaders including president Cornell William Brooks were arrested Tuesday evening after one day of protest, according to the organization. The six protesters were charged with criminal trespass in the second-degree, CNN reported.


The NAACP is staging a sit-in protest at the office of U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions in Mobile, Alabama to speak out against his nomination by President-elect Donald Trump for attorney general.

Several leaders of the civil rights organization have thus far participated in the protest, which kicked off Tuesday morning, including NAACP President Cornell William Brooks, and Alabama state NAACP President Benard Simelton. Brooks posted a tweet Tuesday morning declaring that he will continue to occupy the office until the protest results in either Sessions’ withdrawal or their arrest.

Trump offered Sessions the attorney general position in November. The move sparked outrage among many who have denounced Sessions’ history of racism and voter suppression.

Sessions was appointed by Reagan for a federal judgeship in 1986. But Sessions was deemed to be too racist for the role and his nomination was later rejected by the Senate Judiciary Committee following a series of confirmation hearings during which he addressed numerous allegations, including that he once called a black attorney “boy,” joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was ‘OK’ ― that is, until he discovered that members smoked marijuana ― and referred to civil rights groups, like the NAACP, as “un-American.”

Sessions was also accused of suppressing black votes in Alabama just one year prior to his nomination by Reagan, which became a case that has since haunted his career. In 1985, during his time as a U.S. Attorney in Mobile, Sessions was accused of targeting black voters after his office pursued charges of voter fraud against several African Americans, including Albert Tuner, a long-time civil rights activist who helped lead the 1965 voting rights march in Selma. Turner’s brother, Robert, told USA Today in November that his brother and other black residents who were charged with voter fraud were only trying to assist poor, illiterate and elderly voters in casting ballots. Meanwhile, anger among black critics flared at the time as they accused Sessions’ office for rigorously pursuing cases of voter fraud among African Americans while failing to do the same among white voters. Sessions and those who worked in his office eventually went to trial, during which they denied the claims, and were later acquitted. The outrage over Sessions’ troubled past, especially among liberal groups like the NAACP, never subdued.

“As a matter of conscience, the NAACP has chosen not to remain silent on this critical matter,” Birmingham NAACP head Hezekiah Johnson said outside Sessions’ office on Tuesday, according to

“Our main concern is centered around the reality of voter suppression,” he added. “We have found no evidence of his ability, past or present, to be impartial and unbiased as the chief law enforcement officer of the United States of America, especially in the areas of civil rights, voting rights and equal protection under the law.”

Nearly 700 ‘Nasty Women’ Artists Have Teamed Up To Protest Trump: here.

26 thoughts on “US NAACP leaders arrested for protesting Trump nominee Sessions

  1. Trump’s Attorney General pick, Senator Jeff Sessions–the man who could be in charge of our national programs on sexual assault and domestic violence–doesn’t know if grabbing a woman by her genitals is assault.1 What’s worse is Senate Republicans are rushing to push his appointment through.

    The Senate will hold a confirmation hearing next week–before Trump is even sworn in. Sen. Sessions has a horrible record on a host of issues and the committee does not have much time to prepare. Unless we speak out now, his record on sexual assault and domestic violence could be swept under the rug.2
    That’s why next week, five brave survivors of sexual assault are heading to DC to meet with key senators and demand they ask about Sen. Sessions’ abysmal record on fighting violence against women. They’ll deliver signatures from UltraViolet members in person. Will you sign on?

    Senate Committee on the Judiciary: Ask Jeff Sessions about sexual assault during his confirmation hearing

    Sign the petition

    We cannot let a man who can’t even define sexual assault be the chief law enforcement official for our country. Many groups are submitting questions for the committee on a range of issues, so our community needs to make sure violence against women rises as a priority for Senators.

    Here are just a few examples of Sen. Sessions’ horrendous record the Senators can ask about:

    He stated that he wouldn’t characterize Donald Trump’s comment about grabbing women by the genitals as sexual assault.3
    He voted against the Violence Against Women Act of 2013, which expanded services to survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence.4
    He voted multiple times against bipartisan legislation to curb the growing epidemic of sexual assault in the military.5

    If Sen. Sessions is appointed he will be the top law enforcement official setting the tone for how the Department of Justice deals with issues, and he will oversee programs on violence against women. Based on his record, we can’t trust him to enforce these programs that, even with a supportive administration, struggle to prevent the epidemic of sexual violence in the United States.

    Time is running out–Sen. Sessions’ confirmation hearing is next week. Can you add your name now?

    –Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon, Megan, Libby, Emma, PaKou, and Pilar, the UltraViolet team


    1. It’s not clear if Jeff Sessions thinks grabbing a woman by the crotch is sexual assault, Washington Post, November 18, 2016.

    2. Sessions confirmation hearing dates announced, Politico, December 9, 2016.

    3. Jeff Sessions: Behavior Described by Trump in ‘Grab Them by the P—y’ Tape Isn’t Sexual Assault, Weekly Standard, October 10, 2016

    4. Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, GovTrack, accessed January 4, 2017

    5. Military Justice Improvement Act of 2013, United States Senate, accessed January 4, 2017

    Gillibrand Amdt to Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016, United States Senate, accessed January 4, 2017


  2. Wednesday 4th January 2017

    posted by Morning Star in Britain

    BRITISH singer Rebecca Ferguson announced yesterday that she will only perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration if she can sing one of the US’s most famous anti-racist songs — Strange Fruit.

    Ms Ferguson — who rose to fame as a runner-up in X-Factor in 2010 — revealed that she was asked to perform at the ceremony marking the start of his four-year US presidential term.

    The Republican is reported to be struggling to find artists willing to perform on January 21.

    But Ms Ferguson said she would only accept if Mr Trump allows her to sing the track first recorded by Billie Holiday in 1939 which depicts the lynchings of African-Americans at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Ms Ferguson posted a statement on Twitter that reads: “If you allow me to sing Strange Fruit, a song that has huge historical importance, a song that was blacklisted in the United States for being too controversial.

    “A song that speaks to all the disregarded and downtrodden black people in the United States… then I will graciously accept your invitation and see you in Washington.”


  3. Pingback: Anti-Trump demonstrations, 20-21 January | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Tuesday night, six of our allies from the NAACP were arrested after occupying the senate office of Trump’s racist, sexist attorney general nominee Senator Jeff Sessions.1

    This is what the resistance looks like. And it’s just getting started.

    Next week UltraViolet is bringing five survivors of sexual assault to meet with key senators to call out Sen. Sessions’ awful record on violence against women.

    It’s going to take ALL of us to win. Will you chip in $5 to help fly these survivors to D.C. and mobilize grassroots support to stop Sessions?

    Sen. Sessions’ record on civil rights is truly awful. He’s notorious for bogus prosecutions of civil rights workers, racist comments in court, and opposition to voting rights.2 In fact, 30 years ago, a Republican Senate rejected Sessions as too racist to be a federal judge.

    His record on violence against women is also horrible. He voted against the Violence Against Women Act of 2013. He has voted repeatedly against legislation to stop sexual assault in the military.

    He defended Trump’s disgusting comments on the Access Hollywood tape, saying that he doesn’t think it’s assault to grab a woman by her genitals.

    This is the man who will be our top law enforcement officer?

    The NAACP protest generated nationwide headlines and renewed attention on his awful civil rights record. We plan to bring the same level of attention to his record on violence against women by flying five sexual assault survivors to D.C. to make their voices heard.

    Will you chip in $5 to help stop Sessions?

    Thanks for taking action.

    –Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon, Megan, Libby, Emma, PaKou, and Pilar, the UltraViolet team


    1. Civil Rights Activists Arrested For Protest Over Jeff Sessions As Attorney General, NPR, January 4, 2017

    2. Jeff Sessions Was Deemed Too Racist To Be A Federal Judge. He’ll Now Be Trump’s Attorney General. The Huffington Post, November 20, 2016


  5. As a survivor of sexual assault, I think Donald Trump’s attorney general pick is unacceptable.

    Upon hearing that Trump chose Senator Jeff Sessions, I was offended. This is the man that does not think grabbing a woman by the genitals is sexual assault. I know he won’t protect women and girls like me and I’m worried that those who come forward to speak out against their abusers will not be taken seriously.

    Telling my story is hard, but this moment requires that we do everything we can to block Jeff Sessions. That’s why I am in Washington, D.C., today to tell lawmakers why Jeff Sessions is a horrible choice for attorney general.

    I will be joined by four other sexual assault survivors and together we are going to deliver more than 100,000 petition signatures from UltraViolet members opposing Jeff Sessions. We’ll also be meeting with senators to tell them to block Sessions by voting no on his nomination.

    Will you chip in $5 to stand with me and four other UltraViolet survivors against Jeff Sessions? It will take all of us coming together to stop him from becoming attorney general.

    Jeff Sessions opposed the Violence Against Women Act, which expanded services to survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence.1 He voted several times against bipartisan legislation to prevent sexual assault in the military.2 And he doesn’t think that Trump’s comments about grabbing women by the genitals constitutes sexual assault.3

    We need to know we can rely on the Justice Department to continue crucial programs to help end violence against women. But Jeff Sessions has such low regard for sexual assault that he doesn’t think groping women without consent is crossing the line.

    Right now it’s on us to speak out against elected officials like Sessions who don’t take sexual assault seriously, and make sure that the senators voting on his nomination know about his abysmal anti-woman record.

    Today in Washington, D.C. I am going to deliver a very clear message: Jeff Sessions cannot become the next attorney general. If enough of us speak out to oppose him, we can persuade members of the Senate to vote against his nomination.

    Your $5 contribution will send a powerful message that the UltraViolet community is prepared to do whatever it takes to make sure that Jeff Sessions never serves as attorney general.

    Thank you for standing with me, and survivors everywhere, against Jeff Sessions.

    – Sophie H., UltraViolet member



    1. Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, GovTrack, accessed January 4, 2017

    2. Military Justice Improvement Act of 2013, United States Senate, accessed January 4, 2017

    3. Women’s Advocates Argue Jeff Sessions Is Unfit To Be Attorney General, Huffington Post, January 5, 2016


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