‘Between two evils’, United States presidential early voting

This video from the USA says about itself:

Wikileaks BOMBSHELL Exposes Extent Of Clinton Corruption

1 November 2016

Wikileaks reveals emails that show the depth of the corruption at the Clinton Foundation. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“When top Bill Clinton aide Douglas Band wrote the memo, he was a central player at the Clinton Foundation and president of his own corporate consulting firm. Over the course of 13 pages, he made a case that his multiple roles had served the interests of the Clinton family and its charity.

In doing so, Band also detailed a circle of enrichment in which he raised money for the Clinton Foundation from top-tier corporations such as Dow Chemical and Coca-Cola that were clients of his firm, Teneo, while pressing many of those same donors to provide personal income to the former president.

The system has drawn scrutiny from Republicans, who say it allowed corporations and other wealthy supporters to pay for entrée to a popular former president and a onetime secretary of state who is now the Democratic presidential nominee.

Band wrote the memo in 2011 to foundation lawyers conducting a review of the organization amid a brewing feud with the Clintons’ daughter, Chelsea Clinton, who was taking a stronger role in leading the foundation and had expressed concerns about Teneo’s operations.”

Read more here.

This 1 November 2016 video is called Dangerous Donald Trump Scandals.

Donald Trump Is Accused Of Raping A 13-Year-Old. Why Haven’t The Media Covered It? If you’ve been anywhere near Facebook or Twitter in the past several months, you’re probably aware that there is a case working its way through the courts that accuses Donald Trump of forcibly raping a 13-year-old girl in 1994: here.

MAUREEN DOWD: WHEN HILLARY AND DONALD WERE FRIENDS “Trump realized that golf was his entree if he wanted to pal around with Bill Clinton, whom he considered a kindred spirit in some ways — a great man who attracted jealous haters.” [NYT]

Black Mississippi Church Burned And Vandalized With ‘Vote Trump’: here.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Early voter in Florida: it is a choice between two evils

Today, 07:12

As in almost all other states in Florida residents do not have to wait until Election Day (November 8th) to cast their vote. Millions of Americans make use of the possibility to vote before that, so-called early voting. …

“It is a choice between two evils,” says a man who came with his wife and three-month-old baby to the polling station. “In the end I decided with pain in my heart to vote for Trump because Hillary is worse.”

This 1 November 2016 video is called Why People Don’t Trust Hillary Clinton.

Meanwhile, MoveOn.org in the USA writes:

Progressives: Vote for Hillary Clinton

Oct 20 2016

By Anna Galland and Ilya Sheyman, MoveOn.org executive directors

As executive directors of one of the country’s largest progressive grassroots organizations, we have not always supported Hillary Clinton in her bids for higher office. In 2008, we enthusiastically supported then-Senator Barack Obama in his primary against then-Senator Clinton. In this election, we called on Senator Elizabeth Warren to run, then endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders in his primary campaign, and went on to run a positive campaign supporting his effort. …

Anyone who has followed the history of MoveOn and Hillary Clinton might be surprised that we’re saying this so forcefully. One option in this election, for a group that has parted ways with Hillary Clinton in the past, might have been to sit relatively quietly on the sidelines, or to pull punches. Instead, we’re all in to help defeat Donald Trump and elect Hillary Clinton, while helping win back the Senate and doing everything we can to turn this into a wave election for progressive candidates, so that we relegate Trump’s racist, sexist, xenophobic, and hateful campaign to the dustbin of history where it belongs.

Yes, we have our differences with Hillary Clinton — and will surely disagree, respectfully, with her administration on various fronts, if she is elected. …

We stand ready to fight alongside a President Clinton as she works to make the progressive platform she ran on

Here, the problem is that United States politicians in practice often act quite contrary to their party platforms. The Atlantic wrote on July 13 2016:

Once the main public statement of the party’s positions and a centerpiece of its presidential campaign, the platform’s significance has faded. The status of the platform reached such a low point that in 2012, at the GOP convention in Tampa, then-House Speaker John Boehner said in an interview: “Have you ever met anybody who read the party platform?”

The MoveOn article continues:

into progressive policy. We also stand ready to hold a President Clinton accountable when she veers away from progressive policies or appointments. …

We continue to have significant disagreements with Clinton, particularly around foreign policy.

This 12 October 2016 video is called Trump “Inspected” Underage Girls In Miss Teen USA Dressing Room.

From Politico.com in the USA:

Democrats go pedal-to-the-metal on early voting

In North Carolina, black turnout is key to the party’s hopes of swamping Trump.

By Katie Glueck

11/01/16 05:09 AM EDT

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Democrats are in the midst of an all-out blitz to turn out the early vote, hoping to bank enough votes to overwhelm Donald Trump even before the polls open on Election Day.

Nowhere is the urgency more apparent than in North Carolina, where, thanks in part to restrictions on early voting enacted by the Republican legislature, Democrats hold a lead in ballots cast so far but are running behind their 2012 pace.

In places that are home to significant African-American populations, like Greensboro’s Guilford County and Winston-Salem’s Forsyth County, Democrats are still smarting from legislative changes that significantly restricted the number of polling sites available for the duration of in-person early voting — a method frequently utilized by minority voters.

Guilford County alone went from 16 polling sites available for the entire early-vote period in 2012 to only one location open for the first week of 2016 — and even that site was not open on the first weekend of early voting.

This 1 November 2016 video about polls is called Hillary Clinton Should Be Very Worried.

Here’s why the poll that shows Donald Trump ahead is an outlier — for now. Paul Ryan ended up still voting for Trump after all of that hand-wringing. Global stocks are falling due to “election jitters.” And low black voter turnout so far could hurt Hillary Clinton. [Natalie Jackson, HuffPost]

With only six days remaining in the US election campaign, both of the major capitalist parties are preparing for a situation where the November 8 vote fails to resolve the bitter struggle over control of the White House. With polls showing a tightening contest following the unprecedented intervention of the FBI, whose announcement of a renewed probe of Clinton emails was calculated to damage the Clinton campaign, it is increasingly likely that the contest could be determined by the outcome in a single state, such as occurred in 2000 with Florida and in 2004 with Ohio. Clinton’s lead had already begun to shrink prior to the FBI intervention, particularly after the government announced that Obamacare premiums would rise by an average of 25 percent in 2017: here.

8 thoughts on “‘Between two evils’, United States presidential early voting

  1. Wednesday 2nd November 2016

    posted by Morning Star in World

    US REPUBLICAN presidential candidate Donald Trump has seized on the renewed FBI investigation into his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s use of an unsecured private server for classified government emails.

    Speaking in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Monday, Mr Trump said: “Her election would mire our government and our country in a constitutional crisis that we cannot afford.”

    Allegations about millions of dollars donated to the Clinton foundation have also hit the Democratic campaign.

    Legal precedent indicates that prosecuting a sitting president would unconstitutionally undermine the executive branch of government.

    Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook condemned a “blatant double standard” following reports that FBI director James Comey had opposed releasing details of alleged Russian interference in the election because it was too close to polling day.

    Last week, Ms Clinton was leading in some opinion surveys by more than 10 per cent, but the latest BBC polling aggregate puts Ms Clinton on 49 per cent and Mr Trump on 46 per cent.



  2. http://www.sacbee.com/opinion/editorials/article111878932.html
    > This could be why Trump won’t release tax returns
    > It’s becoming clearer and clearer why Donald Trump – breaking yet another norm of presidential campaigns – won’t release his tax returns .
    > They would likely reveal to voters not only that he didn’t pay federal income taxes for years, but that he played fast and loose with loopholes to avoid doing so.
    > The New York Times reports that it obtained documents showing Trump potentially escaped tens of millions of dollars in taxes in the early 1990s by using a maneuver his own lawyers warned would likely be declared improper if he were audited. Congress later closed this loophole, which has to do with taxation of debt.
    > As his casino empire crumbled, Trump pressured the investors and banks who financed his three Atlantic City resorts to forgive hundreds of millions of dollars he owed them. But the Internal Revenue Service treats every dollar of canceled debt as a dollar of taxable income.
    > So he used this highly technical, legally dubious maneuver to avoid reporting the canceled debt to the IRS as income. It’s impossible to know for certain how much in taxable income Trump avoided declaring because he hasn’t released even a summary of his tax returns. But it could help explain how he was able to claim $916 million in losses on his 1995 return, which he then used to offset income in later years.
    > It appears that Trump wasn’t really “smart,” as he likes to brag, by taking advantage of loopholes available to any billionaire. He was just tip-toeing the line to illegal tax evasion.
    > It’s not just his past personal taxes that are a problem. It’s that the tax plan he pledges to enact as president would mean a windfall for millionaires like him and shortchange the working-class families he claims to champion.
    > Trump wants to lower the top income tax bracket from 39.6 percent to 33 percent and to end the “death tax,” which is only imposed on estates topping $5.45 million for individuals and $10.9 million for couples.


  3. Pingback: United States voters ‘between two evils’ | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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