United States voters ‘between two evils’

This video from the USA says about itself:

Donald Trump‘s RADICAL Backslide On Abortion

3 November 2016

TYT’s Michael Shure did an overview of Donald Trump‘s stances on abortion, gay marriage, LGBT rights and veterans, as a part of TYT Politics’ series on where the candidates stand.

Translated from Guus Dietvorst, Dutch NOS TV reporter, interviewing people in Washington, D.C about the presidential elections in the USA:

The 68-year-old retired colonel Neil from Maryland found it was was a difficult choice this time. “I vote for Trump, but I made a choice between two evils, I admit.” …

“Trump is a dangerous nationalist,” says the 63-year-old Iranian American Jamil from Minnesota. “But Clinton is much more dangerous“, he laughs afterwards.

He’s in town because he has to arrange a visa for his sister and walks on The Mall to take some pictures. Jamil thinks it is a terrible campaign. “From both sides. They are all corrupt liars. And Clinton is the worst.”

Yet Jamil is going to vote. “Yes, for Jill Stein of the Green Party. She is at least honest. And no, she will not become president; for that matter, it is here like in Saudi Arabia or in Iran. The choice is very limited and there is no third party coming between that.” …

He also sees a benefit in the dirty campaign this year. “The Americans now see the true face of the Democrats and the Republicans. I hope it is a wake-up call, and in four years’ time both the Republicans and the Democrats will come up with a serious candidate. Then we can forget this fight again.”

4 thoughts on “United States voters ‘between two evils’

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