Riches for Ethiopian dictatorship, jails and hunger for people

This video from the USA says about itself:

Activists call on US to stop aiding dictatorship in Ethiopia

WASHINGTON, DC (May 7 2014) – Ethiopian Americans urged the US government to stop financing the tyrannical regime in Addis Ababa.

The rally was held in front of the State Department.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

“In parts of Ethiopia in a few months’ time there will not be any food if the international community will not help quickly”, says [Dutch Minister of Foreign Aid] Ploumen.

… Currently, 18 million Ethiopians depend on food aid, especially in the east and south of the country.

From the Catholic News Service, 13 May 2016:

Watching hungry schoolchildren in Ethiopia carefully put away one of the two biscuits they received at a food program, Msgr. John Kozar, president of Catholic Near East Welfare Association, found the act touching.

He realized they were taking the second biscuit home to share with younger siblings or their mothers.

Meanwhile, the dictatorial government in Ethiopia has plenty of money for torture jails, for waging war in Somalia as Pentagon allies, for war against the people in Ogaden province, for warmongering against Eritrea, for violence against people demonstrating against ISIS, and for the lives of luxury of themselves and their cronies.

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