Dutch Party for the Animals says vote No in Ukraine referendum

This Dutch Party for the Animals video says about itself (translated):

Say NO to the association agreement with Ukraine!

27 March 2016

On Wednesday, April 6th, 2016, we will vote in a referendum on the association agreement between the European Union and Ukraine. Through the association agreement Ukraine will be able to offer products in easier and cheaper ways to sell to Europe.

The problem is that Ukrainian goods are not made in the same way as in Europe and do not meet the same requirements. Eg, Ukrainian eggs are from battery hens, which causes so much suffering that they are banned in Europe.

Furthermore, Ukraine has huge factory farms where animals are treated even worse than in the mega factory farms that we know here. There are hardly any checks on animal welfare. In addition, in Ukraine very young children are employed in sectors such as agriculture. For example, to pick onions.

The Party for the Animals believes it is unacceptable to accept products manufactured without respect for human rights, animal welfare and the environment. We therefore consistently say no to ‘free’ trade treaties which allow these products. Whether to TTIP, CETA or this association agreement: the interests of people, animals and our environment always should take precedence over the commercial interests of multinational corporations.

Raise your voice on April 6th and say NO to the association agreement with Ukraine!

Ukraine government corruption: here.