Botanical garden blackbirds, butterflies and jays

Herring gull, 17 January 2016

This 17 January 2016 photo shows a herring gull on the roof of the ‘oranjerie’, the oldest hothouse, built in the eighteenth century, in the botanical garden. The bird drank from the gutter.

Before we arrived at the botanical garden, greenfinches and collared doves in trees.

In the garden, ring-necked parakeets flying and calling.

Blackbird male, 17 January 2016

Past the old astronomical observatory, a male blackbird eating berries.

In the Victoria amazonica hothouse, gold-edged owl butterflies flying around.

Jay, 17 January 2016

Before we left, we saw jays feeding on acorns.

3 thoughts on “Botanical garden blackbirds, butterflies and jays

  1. Pingback: Batching chaffinches and nuthatch | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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