Russian warplane in Israeli airspace, NOT shot down

This video about Turkey says about itself:

Prominent Kurdish Lawyer Assassinated in Southeast Turkey

28 November 2015

The president of the bar association in southeastern Diyarbakir province has been shot dead by unidentified gunmen while giving a public speech.
A campaigner for Kurdish rights, Tahir Elci had been criticized for challenging Turkey’s official stance of calling the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) a terrorist organization. A curfew has been put in place.

This 29 November 2011 video is about the funeral of Tahir Elci, where ten thousands of people came. See also here.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands today:

A Russian plane has penetrated Israeli airspace. According to the defense minister in Israel that was a mistake and the pilot turned back immediately when he was told that he flew over Israel. This is reported by various Israeli media.

Russia and Israel have recently opened a line of communication to “prevent misunderstandings”, said Minister Ya’alon. “Russia is not going to attack us, so we do not have to shoot automatically when such a mistake is being made,” he said.

Did you hear that, President Erdogan of Turkey? THERE ARE OTHER SOLUTIONS THAN YOUR VIOLENT WAY IN CASES LIKE THIS! Maybe you know already: Turkish warplanes have violated the airspace of its NATO ally Greece thousands of times. This, fortunately, did not lead to any planes being shot down, and escalation towards bloody war.

Greek Prime Minister Tsipras wrote on Twitter about this to his Turkish colleague:

We’re spending billions on weapons. You—to violate our airspace, we—to intercept you. … Tsipras said the two countries should focus on saving refugees, not on weapons.

Or, maybe again, you, President Erdogan, are unable to hear there are other solutions than violence, as the thick walls of your new, taxpayer-paid palace completely shut out the real world outside.

Though there are many very bad sides to the government of Netanyahu in Israel (and of Putin in Russia), at least in this case they have not sunk to the bloody level of the Erdogan regime in Turkey (and its Grey Wolves neo-nazi proxies in the Syrian war).

Putin accuses US of colluding in downing of Russian plane: here.

Biden’s blank check to the Baltic states: US will wage war on Russia in your defense: here.

French President Hollande proposes anti-ISIS alliance in Syria to Russia: here.

Britain: Cameron hopes to be able to hold a vote on intervention next week. But to do so with an expectation of winning, he has to be sure that he has the backing of at least 30 Labour MPs, who would be voting in defiance of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s stated opposition to military involvement: here.

The decision of the German government to participate in the war in Syria marks a new stage in the resurgence of German militarism. A bloody adventure is being prepared behind the backs of the population: here.

Not one Muslim I know thinks war in Syria is justified. Promises come in thick and fast, as unreliable as all those made before – on Iraq, Libya and the ‘war on terror’: here.

6 thoughts on “Russian warplane in Israeli airspace, NOT shot down

  1. Pingback: David Cameron’s fantasy ‘moderate’ Syrian insurgents | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. KCK: Elçi was murdered for saying “PKK isn’t a terror organisation”

    KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-Presidency strongly condemned the murder of Elçi “by a police bullet” and offered condolences to Elçi’s family, friends and all the people of Kurdistan.

    KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-Presidency has released a statement regarding the murder of human rights defender Tahir Elçi, president of Amed Bar Association.

    KCK strongly condemned the murder of Elçi “by a police bullet” and offered condolences to Elçi’s family, friends and all the people of Kurdistan.

    The statement by KCK underlined that; “Amed Bar President has been pointed as a target and killed for committing the most serious crime in the eyes of the Turkish state, which is to say “PKK is not a terror organisation”. Every single person defending the same thing is being banned in Turkey. When this happens to be a well-known politician, this is responded with death. As the Turkish state makes all its sources available to the world to have the PKK recognised as a terrorist organisation, a globally known lawyer’s remarks defending the opposite constitutes a major crime. The Gladio of the Palace has thus taken urgent action, prosecuted and soon murdered him.”

    KCK said the video footage from the scene clearly proves that Elçi was murdered by police as two policemen were filmed telling the perpetrator one to “run away immediately to not be seen by anyone”. According to KCK, murder of Elçi by a single bullet in the head also reveals that he was deliberately shot dead. “It is apparent that policemen had already chosen him as a target and did murder him at the most appropriate time.”

    Criticizing Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu’s remarks that Elçi might have been caught in crossfire, KCK said this statement means nothing but an attempt to cover up the crime committed by the state itself.

    “All the Kurdish people know very well that murder with a single bullet in the head is a method of punishment. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s remarks that Elçi’s murder has proved the righteousness of the anti-terror fight manifests the fact that the AKP government kills civilians to legitimate its war and aggression policy.”

    Stressing that it has now become essential to form a democracy bloc to fight against the AKP, KCK called upon the Kurdish people, the peoples and democracy forces of Turkey to protest the AKP government in all areas as it keeps murdering civilians.

    Source: BEHDINAN – ANF 30-11-2015


  3. Pingback: United States Republican candidates and wars | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: US NSA, British GCHQ spying on Israel | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Tuesday 5th April 2016

    posted by Morning Star in World

    THE fascist killer of a Russian pilot in Syria looked set to evade extradition, a Turkish judicial source said yesterday.

    Alparslan Celik of Turkey’s fascist Bozkurtlar (Grey Wolves) movement and 13 of his comrades were arrested on Sunday after arriving armed at a restaurant in the Turkish city of Izmir.

    The anonymous source said strained relations between Moscow and Ankara made it unlikely that Mr Celik would be extradited to Russia.

    He is wanted for killing pilot Oleg Peshkov as he parachuted from his Su-24 bomber after being shot down over Syrian territory by a Turkish F-16.

    Meanwhile Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov accused Turkey of funding terrorists in Syria after Ankara weighed in on Saturday’s fighting in the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.


  6. Pingback: Israeli air force joins bloody Syrian war | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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