House martins, barn swallows, moss and lambs

This video is about a skylark singing on a branch.

After 2 May 2015, 3 May 2015 in Dwingelderveld national park; more especially, its southern Kloosterveld part.

Barn swallow, 3 April 2015

Like yesterday evening, barn swallows come here to drink. They also collect nesting material, as this photo shows.

House martin, 3 May 2015

Also some house martins, not as numerous here as barn swallows, come to collect mud for their nests.

Two goldfinches land close to the swallows’ waterhole.

A bit further, two shelducks. A northern lapwing.

A chaffinch sings. A curlew calls.

A skylark sings. Unlike the bird on the video at the top of this blog post, it sings while flying, not from a branch.

A northern wheatear on a pole.

A stonechat on a wire.

Two oystercatchers flying.

Moss, 3 May 2015

At some spots, moss grows.

Moss, on 3 May 2015

Moss, Kloosterveld, on 3 May 2015

A male common linnet.

Sheep and lamb, 3 May 2015

The sheep are in this nature reserve to prevent it from becoming overgrown. At this time of the year, they have lambs.

And then came the afternoon … with rain, lots of it …

29 thoughts on “House martins, barn swallows, moss and lambs

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