Economist Krugman criticizes British Conservatives and ‘Conservative lite’ Labour

This 2013 video is called Paul Krugman views [British government] coalition & George Osborne as morons.

Another video which used to be on YouTube used to say about itself:

BBC Newsnight – Professor Paul Krugman comments on Irish austerity

17 February 2015

Evan Davis interviews Professor Paul Krugman.

On Irish austerity, Professor Krugman said “I talked to some Irish economists. They’re pointing out that the government in Ireland is really acting against the interests of the people of Ireland but in its own interests by saying oh look, we’re good, we’re anti, we’re good on austerity, we’re good on reform. So therefore, the Greeks should do it as well“.

From daily The Guardian in Britain: Top economist attacks Tory austerity – and Labour‘s limp response.

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