First Tyrannosaurus rex going to European museum

This video says about itself:

Why we bring the first T-Rex to Europe: Anne Schulp at TEDxLeiden

25 January 2014

We are increasingly confronted with the consequences of global warming and the loss of bio-diversity. The more we understand and appreciate the wonder of nature, the better we are able to sustain our life on this planet. This is where the T-Rex comes in. Can you imagine another creature that has been able to better capture the imagination of kids? This is why we decided to go on an epic journey to find a real T-Rex and bring it to Europe. We believe that through telling the story of this T-Rex and its excavation we can get more kids to experience the wonder of life on this planet.

Paleontologist Anne Schulp is a researcher at Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden. The natural history collection of Naturalis is extensive, but one kind of dinosaur was conspicuously absent: a large carnivore. This changed recently, when Anne helped excavating a Tyrannosaurus fossil in Montana, USA.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands today:

About one and a half years from now, for the first time ever a skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus rex will move to outside the United States, namely to the Netherlands. Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden has received 5 million to buy a skeleton of the dinosaur. It was excavated in 2013 in the US state Montana.

Last year, scientists at the research institute and natural history museum excavated large parts of the Tyrannosaurus rex in Montana. It is a well-preserved skeleton of a then probably 30 years old female. …

Naturalis has received a part of the money through crowdfunding.

See also here. And here.

44 thoughts on “First Tyrannosaurus rex going to European museum

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