Good brent geese news

This video from Scotland is called Brent Geese – Branta bernicla.

Translated from the Dutch SOVON ornithologists:

Friday, October 24, 2014

Brent geese seem to return with quite a lot of youngsters this fall. This indicates a good breeding season on the tundra of northern Siberia. In wintering areas annually people look how many young geese will come with their parents. The geese benefited from the lemming peak at the Taymir peninsula.

Sample counts by geese counters provisionally provide an image that the brent geese had an excellent breeding success. The counters see youngster rates between 25 and 35 percent: pretty high for the brent goose. For example, there are families with five young ones, so, large families. In October, a lot of brent geese arrive in the coastal areas of Western Europe, such as the Wadden Sea. They come from the tundras of Taymir and elsewhere along the Siberian coast.

Brent geese on Texel island: here.

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