Bahraini oppression of women

This video from Bahrain says about itself:

May 27, 2011


Over 100 girls imprisoned
cases of rape and sexual assault
threats and physical assaults
humiliated and violently attacked
their husbands and family members imprisoned
houses raided at night

it continues till today but everyone turns a blind eye

please help them and demand the release of women prisoners

From the Bahrain Center for Human Rights:

20 Aug, 2013

Report to The Committee On The Elimination Of All Forms Of Discrinination Against Women

On the occasion of the review of Bahrain‘s Third Periodic Report at the Committee’s pre-sessional working group, July 2013

Submitted by The Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) with the support of FIDH

In cooperation with Caram Asia and with the support of FIDH, BCHR submitted an alternative report to the Committee in 2008. This report focused on the situation of women migrant domestic workers in Bahrain. It was then decided to tackle specifically this issue as there were specific concerns on an issue which was at this time not specifically addressed.

Since February 2011, the violent repression against the protest movement in Bahrain led to human rights violations that affected, and even specifically targeted, women’s rights.

This report will examine the implementation of key observations made by the CEDAW Committee in 2008 and highlight the consequences of the current crisis in Bahrain on the fundamental rights and freedoms of women.

Women in Bahrain: here.

The Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) calls for the urgent intervention in the case of Nafeesa Al-Asfoor who has suspicious breast lumps and suffers from other diseases as well. She is being denied adequate medical care for her condition despite the several attempts of her family with the prison administration for her to receive medical attention: here.

Tamarod Bahrain Resilient In Face of Government Crackdown. Read more: here.

These Young Activists Are Risking Their Lives to Take Down Bahrain’s Despotic Regime: here.

RAPE victims are failing to come forward because the crime is not being taken seriously in Bahrain, it has been claimed: here.

35 thoughts on “Bahraini oppression of women

    • Hi, thanks for this comment!

      The post which you have made meanwhile on your own blog is already one example of what can be done about this: getting more people to know about it; like you do.


      the Bahrain Center for Human Rights says, about Bahraini woman political prisoner Nafeesa AlAsfoor:

      The BCHR calls on the United States, the United Kingdom, the United Nations, the European Union and all close allies and relevant international institutions to put pressure on the Government of Bahrain to:

      Immediately and unconditionally release Nafeesa AlAsfoor along with all other political prisoners, especially in the case in which the only evidence are confessions extracted under duress
      Provide Nafeesa AlAsfoor and all other prisoners with adequate medical care especially those with potentially life threatening illnesses.
      Launch an impartial and independent investigation into the allegations of torture and assault made by Nafeesa AlAsfoor during her imprisonment in Bahrain and prosecute all officials involved in her torture
      Immediately end the culture of impunity in Bahrain and hold accountable all those involved in violations, especially those in high position in government.

      So, eg, citizens of countries, allied to the Bahraini government, might contact their own governments about this.

      Bahraini embassies and consulates abroad:


  1. Reblogged this on Spirit In Action and commented:
    Thank you for posting this. I had no idea all this was going on. I knew Bahrain had violently responded to their “Arab Spring” movement but the reality there goes far beyond what little we see in the American news.


  2. As oppression has been with us for centuries, including the Western Allies, although their has been a token offering to women in economic equality, whilst class oppression also exists, it seems unlikely this will go away for some considerable time.
    I mention class, as this I think contributes also to the oppression of women. As a huge differential on class economics and a psychological aspect, that seems completely baffling to any one with a sense of inherent natural justice?


    • In Bahrain, women’s oppression is certainly connected to oppression by the ruling class (the royal family and those around them).

      Worldwide, there are similar connections. Anti-semitism and other forms of racism (against Koreans in Japan; against Pakistanis in Greece; etc. etc.) also make it easier for upper classes to stay in power.


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  20. Child custody rights ordeal for mothers

    By FRANCES LEATE , Posted on » Sunday, October 13, 2013

    CHILD custody orders that favour mothers are being ignored by fathers who refuse to give up their children, according to campaigners.

    One human rights group said it was aware of around 20 mothers in Bahrain being denied custody of their children, despite being granted it by a court.

    Critics claim not enough is being done to implement custody decisions and the Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society (BHRWS) said mothers were sometimes “completely powerless” – even with a court judgement in their favour.

    The society, which launched its Sarah Campaign in 2004 to highlight injustice towards women and children, is currently preparing a shadow report on child rights to accompany a national review expected next year.

    “It is a big problem in Bahrain and women, often with little money and sometimes without knowing the language, are left completely powerless in these situations,” said the society’s secretary-general Faisal Fulad.

    “Even once the judge has decided the child should be with the mother, the police have to go and search the father’s home, find the child and bring him or her back to the mother – and in some cases this isn’t happening.

    “The mother may not know the language or know where to go for support so the child continues to stay with the father or his family.

    “At the moment we have no national policy for mothers and their children so we continue to campaign for this.”

    The BHRWS Sarah Campaign is named after the daughter of Lecita Flores, 54, who has been battling with her ex-husband over the custody of their daughter for almost a decade.

    Sarah, now aged 10, was taken from their family home in Kuwait by her father in 2004 and brought to Bahrain.

    The father then divorced Ms Flores, but despite several court orders awarding her custody she can still only see Sarah for one-and-a-half hours each week.

    “The court orders mean absolutely nothing because when the police have been to the family home to take my daughter, the family is never there,” she said.

    “The family seems to be above the law so there is nothing I can do.

    “I have been living here all these years just to spend those few precious moments with my daughter and, in that time, both my father and mother died in the Philippines and I could not be with them.”

    In 2005, after a year of battling through the courts in Kuwait and Bahrain, the exhausted mother collapsed outside the Philippines Embassy.

    She was later put on suicide watch at the embassy’s shelter, where she stayed while her visa application was processed by Bahraini authorities.

    The mother and daughter would sometimes go for months without even a phone call.

    “It is heartbreaking as sometimes my daughter tells me she does not want to see me, but I feel this is not her speaking and she has been turned against me,” said Ms Flores.

    “I am still fighting and I hope there is a solution, but I have been promised this so many times by ambassadors and those in power and nothing ever happens.

    “My daughter is now 10 and the damage is already done.

    “All I want now is to improve my relationship with her and for her to spend one night every week or so at my house.

    “The way she talks to me at the moment is very hurtful, but I can’t give up.

    “Where are my rights? I’m her mother, yet I have none. I have custody, yet she is not with me. Why?”

    In 2008 Sarah did go to live with Ms Flores, but after three months her daughter never returned from a visit with her father.

    “I was back to square one, relying on the courts to grant me custody again and then the order never being implemented,” said Ms Flores.

    “I just want to be able to see her when I want and for her to sleep over sometimes, that is all I want now.

    “For 11 years I have wanted to go home and be with my family.

    “The embassy has offered to pay for my ticket home several times, but how can I leave?”

    Lawyer Mohammed Al Mutawa represented Ms Flores for several years, but said he feared her child had been “brainwashed” by her father.

    “Last year we organised a session at a youth centre to try to get the child to love her mother, but the child was not brought there by the family and it never happened,” he said.

    “She is an intelligent girl, but I fear that in future she will feel terrible for punishing her mother in this way – it really is not a healthy situation at all.”

    Bahrain’s main human rights watchdog, the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR), is now proposing the formation of an independent body to ensure custody orders are implemented.

    “When there has been a court order giving custody to one parent then it must be enforced by the courts and the police,” said NIHR vice-chairman Dr Abdulla Al Deerazi.

    “If they are not doing that then they are not doing their job properly and that is very unfortunate.

    “There should be an independent monitoring body set up in Bahrain to deal with these scenarios, follow up these cases and make sure the police do their duty and assist in delivering the court’s decision.

    “The police should be pushed to do this and even in situations where they go to the home and the family or child is not there, it is still not a good enough excuse for the court verdict not to be implemented.”

    However, an Interior Ministry official said it was not always that straightforward.

    “We had one case where the court refused to give the order so the police could not do anything,” the official told the GDN.

    “Unless the courts make the decision that we have to break inside or arrest the father, if there are no criminal charges the police will not take any action.

    “The courts need to deal with what is to be done once the custodial order has been decided.

    “Without a court order police don’t have the power to go to homes, break into the house, make arrests or take a child from the home.

    “We had one situation where we had an order to enter the home, but the aunts refused to give the child up and the child also refused to go – so we could not do anything further.”


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