Beached humpback whale Johannes, RIP

The beached humpback whale, photo ANP

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Sunday, December 16, 2012, 09:30

The humpback whale which beached this Wednesday on a sandbank in the Wadden Sea is dead. Two employees of the seal rehabilitation center in Pieterburen have reported this.

The people of Lenie ‘t Hart [director of the seal rehabilitation center] had gone to the humpback trying to still save it. They did so despite a police ban area around the whale.

Last Friday the whale Johannes got a strong sedative after experts had stated that the animal could not survive anymore. Animal activists think that the government gave up on the animal much too soon.

See also here. And here.

This reminds me of years ago, when I was in the Antarctic. I saw a humpback whale jumping out of the sea.

RIP, Johannes! And thanks to all people of Ecomare museum, coast guard, lifeboats and others who tried to save you!

No thanks it all, it seems, to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and his government.

Ecomare museum on the death of the humpback whale: here.

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