100 wild bee species in Dutch town

This video from England is called Wicken’s Wild Bees.

Translated from the environmentalists of De Ulebelt in Deventer in the Netherlands:

More than a hundred wild bee species in Deventer

Message issued on Friday, November 30, 2012

Things go well with bees in Deventer. This is evident from the survey by Jan Smit and three co-researchers done as part of the “Year of the Bee”. 103 different species of wild bees are found in Deventer, which is many more than expected. Of these species, nineteen are on the Red List.

In 1999, bee expert Arie Koster did a similar survey in Deventer. Then, fifteen locations were examined and a total of 36 species of wild bees were found. Of the areas examined then, six were re-inventoried now, also two additional areas were included. In these eight areas now significantly more species were found than in 1999, a total of 103 species. This is much more than expected.

More than 55 percent of all wild bee species in the Netherlands are on the Red List, making bees one of the most endangered animal groups in our country. In Deventer the Red List species include the banded mining bee, Andrena labiata, Nomada fulvicornis, Nomada guttulata … . Wasps are also included in the present study. In total 63 species of wasps were found from seven different families.

… Besides management advice for the public space, you can also also provide a good environment for bees yourself. This is accomplished by nesting opportunities and flowers in your garden.

20 thoughts on “100 wild bee species in Dutch town

  1. Bees area very important for pollination, it’s sad that bees seem to be on the decline in many area’s. I agree, we who are able must help with their habitat as best we can before it’s too late. SN.


      • Yes indeed and not just for bees. The key factors in the countryside are loss of habitat, herbicides and pesticides, increased field size (more production less untouched margins), loss of hedgerows, loss of water filled ditches and ponds and less mixed farming. There is growing pressure from conservation groups in the UK to persuade farmers to have ecology in mind. Some farmers have fully understood the problem and responded to this and hopefully this fine example will taken on by the whole farming community. Pressure for more food production and thus more income for farmers has brought us to this point but people are starting to realise that we are ‘cutting our own throats’, as far as ecology and biodiversity are concerned which are also vitally important to the balance we need for farming and wildlife alike. SN


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  12. Pingback: European wild bee species threatened | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  13. Dear friends,

    Red alert for 360 wild bee ​​species in the Netherlands. Research shows that the insect population has decreased by 75% in only 27 years. And it’s not just about disappearance of food and nesting space: the agricultural use of pesticides — neonicotinoids — plays a crucial role.

    Last week, the European Food Safety Authority confirmed that these neonics are a serious risk for bees — and later this month, the EU will vote on a complete ban of these bee-killing pesticides. The Netherlands hasn’t taken a position yet, and that needs to change!

    Several countries have pledged to support a full ban, but it’s not enough yet — a YES from the Netherlands could swing the vote. Let’s call on Minister Schouten to get behind the ban — add your name and share with everyone:

    Click to save the bees

    Bees and other insects are vital for life on earth. They pollinate 80% of wild plants, and are the main food source for birds and many mammals. And they’re crucial for our food supply too: more than 70% of what we eat depends on pollination! Disappearance of wild pollinators would cost european agriculture €15 billion a year! But the consequences for the environment and for human existence are almost unimaginable.

    In mid-March, the EU will once again vote on a total ban on the outdoor use of neonicotinoids: clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam. We want to Netherlands to vote for this ban. This not only protects the bees, but also our own health and the vitality the environment.

    Click below to sign the petition and share with friends and family:

    Click to save the bees

    With hope,

    Jaap Molenaar via Avaaz

    More information:

    Neonicotinoids: risks to bees confirmed (EFSA)

    Total ban on bee-harming pesticides likely after major new EU analysis (The Guardian)


  14. Pingback: New bee species discovery in the Netherlands | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  15. Pingback: New bee species discovery in the Netherlands | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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