Osprey and sea eagle

Eco-Oostvaardersplassen At Almere Side from Project Loya on Vimeo.

Today, to the Oostvaardersplassen nature reserve.

Quite some buzzards, some sitting on heaps of grass along roads.

From Grote Praambult viewpoint, one could see many Heck cattle, konik horses, and red deer, used to keep the nature reserve open, not overgrown.

In a leafless tree sit two kestrels, and an osprey, cleaning its feathers.

House martins flying.

A jay flies past.

From the Krakeend viewpoint: a great egret and Egyptian geese.

Avocets in a lake a bit further away.

A female marsh harrier.

About 30 spoonbills.

Grey lag geese and barnacle geese.

A grey heron. A blue tit.

A bit further: shoveler ducks. Lapwings.

A barn swallow flies past.

Young goldfinches.

Near the hide De Kluut, a red admiral butterfly.

As we walk to the Zeearend hide, carp near a bridge.

A map butterfly (see also photo here).

Nuthatch sound.

Metellina segmentata spiders in their webs.

Great spotted woodpecker sound.

From the Zeearend hide: shelducks.

Two bar-headed geese.

As we walk back, we see a little grebe diving; and hear bearded tit sounds.

Bearded Reedlings Adjust Their Pair-Bond Behaviour in Relation to the Sex and Attractiveness of Unpaired Conspecifics: here.

On the Oostvaardersdiep dike: a greater black-backed gull.

Many great crested grebes and tufted ducks.

Finally, at the Jan van den Boschpad viewpoint, a white-tailed eagle flying and sitting on a tree.

A baby Eurasian toad on the footpath.

Eleonora’s falcon in Oostvaardersplassen: here.

This is a video on nesting great cormorants of Oostvaardersplassen.

USA: Paying Bald Eagle Medical Bills: here.