Rendition for WikiLeaks’ Assange?

This video is called The Wikileaks Documentary — Full Version.

WikiLeaks founder Assange faces “real risk” of rendition to US, torture and death: here.

Why feminists and the left must defend Julian Assange: here.

How Much Did Lawyer for WikiLeaks Accusers Help CIA In Torture Rendition? Here.

John Pilger, Truthout: “The attacks on WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, are a response to an information revolution that threatens old power orders in politics and journalism. The incitement to murder trumpeted by public figures in the United States, together with attempts by the Obama administration to corrupt the law and send Assange to a hell-hole prison for the rest of his life, are the reactions of a rapacious system exposed as never before”: here.

US embassy cables: Turkey used as base to transport terrorism suspects: here.

17 thoughts on “Rendition for WikiLeaks’ Assange?

  1. WikiLeaks gives $15,000 to soldier’s defense fund

    Agence France-Presse

    PDI, First Posted 10:53:00 01/14/2011

    WASHINGTON–A legal defense fund for the US soldier suspected of leaking secret US documents to WikiLeaks said Thursday it has received a 15,000 dollars contribution from the website.

    US Army private Bradley Manning, 23, has been held in a military brig in Virginia since July on suspicion of leaking secret US military documents and State Department cables to WikiLeaks.

    WikiLeaks has repeatedly said it does not know whether Manning was the source of the documents but has pledged to help with his defense.

    The Bradley Manning Support Network said in a statement on Thursday published at that WikiLeaks had transferred 15,100 dollars on Monday to the legal trust account of Manning’s attorney.

    “In light of WikiLeaks’ current fiscal challenges — due in large part to the shameful actions of Visa, MasterCard and PayPal in cutting off services to WikiLeaks at the behest of the US government — the Bradley Manning Support Network commends WikiLeaks for their contribution at this time,” it said.

    “This donation from WikiLeaks is vital to our efforts to ensure Bradley receives a fair, open trial,” said Support Fund founder and steering committee member Mike Gogulski.

    The group said the WikiLeaks contribution brings the total funds raised and transferred to Bradley’s civilian legal defense team to over 100,000 dollars, just short of the 115,000 dollars needed “to mount a vigorous defense.”

    “We have seen an enormous outpouring of support internationally, in donations as well as volunteers,” said Jeff Paterson, another steering committee member for the Bradley Manning Support Network.

    “Internationally, people are speaking out against the unjust imprisonment of Bradley Manning, who is for all intents accused of acting out of moral conviction,” Paterson said.

    Manning, who worked as a low-ranking army intelligence analyst in Iraq, was arrested in May and later transferred to the US Marine Corps base at Quantico in Virginia.

    US authorities have yet to say when he will be put on trial on charges of violating federal criminal and military law, including transmitting classified information to a third party.

    If found guilty, Manning faces up to 52 years in prison.

    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Thursday that he believes the United States is trying to use Manning to build a case against him, but denied ever having heard of the soldier before his name appeared in media reports.

    “Cracking Bradley Manning is the first step,” Assange said. “The aim clearly is to break him and force a confession that he somehow conspired with me to harm the national security of the United States.”


  2. Turkey allowed US ‘extraordinary rendition’: WikiLeaks

    The US secret services used Turkey as a base to transport “terrorism” suspects as part of its extraordinary rendition programme, German daily Die Welt reported Monday citing a WikiLeaks cable.

    Some 24 CIA flights landed at Incirlik airport in southern Turkey between 2002 and 2006 with the knowledge of the Turkish military, according to a cable from the US embassy in Ankara dated June 8, 2006, the paper said.

    “The Turkish military has since 2002 allowed us to use Incirlik as a refuelling stop for prisoner transport flights from ‘Operation Fundamental Justice’, but revoked permission in February this year,” said the cable, referring to the rendition programme.

    Die Welt published excerpts from the cable in German.

    On June 14, 2006, a spokesman for Turkey’s foreign ministry, Namik Tan, told reporters: “The Turkish government and state never played a part (in the secret transfers) … and never will.”

    Turkey had just been named in a Council of Europe report listing it among 14 European countries that colluded in or tolerated the covert transporting of prisoners.

    WikiLeaks has obtained some 250,000 US diplomatic cables and handed them to five major news organisations: the New York Times, Der Spiegel, the Guardian, El Pais and Le Monde.

    To date, 2,444 have been published on the whistleblowing website but the Ankara cable is not yet among them.

    Die Welt said it had secured access to the complete cable dump, in cooperation with Norwegian daily Aftenposten, which is also putting them out independently.

    US intelligence services used secret rendition flights in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks to transfer “war on terror” suspects to third countries for interrogation, where many said they were imprisoned and tortured.

    © 2010 AFP


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