Commemorative plaque for Tony Blair’s victims

This video from the USA is called Blair Tied to Iraq-Linked Oil Firm.

From the Stop the War Coalition in Britain:

Monday, 29 June 2009

Commemorative plaque for Tony Blair: unveiling ceremony 3 July

A Plaque for Tony Blair
Friday 3 July 6.30pm
Connaught Square
London W2

A plaque will be unveiled outside Tony Blair‘s house in Connaught Square, London, on Friday 3 July at 6.30pm to commemorate the over one million victims of the “war on terror”, in which he colluded with George Bush, and the victims of his secret torture policies.

Join the unveiling ceremony on Friday. Everyone is welcome. Publicise the event as widely as you can.

Organised by Don’t Panic magazine, Supported by Stop the War Coalition.

Tony Blair’s penal policy condemned – by Cherie: here.

11 thoughts on “Commemorative plaque for Tony Blair’s victims

  1. Labour’s latest recruit

    Tuesday 30 June 2009

    Sunday was my 15th birthday and so I have joined the Labour Party.

    This might seem odd at a time when it is so unpopular. New Labour has let a lot of people down, but I think most people see the party as their best chance to keep decent public services.

    We must not forget the people who have fought for socialism in the party, from Keir Hardie through to Eric Heffer and Tony Benn and now John McDonnell MP and his comrades in the Labour Representation Committee.

    I think they deserve our support.

    I have joined the Labour Party and I encourage other readers to join too so we can win our party back.



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