Blair ‘will not become EU president’

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Blair can forget about European Union presidency


By Joris van Poppel, Brussels correspondent

British ex prime minister Tony Blair does not have a chance any more to become the first president of the EU. That job will go to a Christian democrat. At the EU summit in Brussels, it turned out that there hardly was any support for the social democrat Blair‘s candidacy.


Many other social democrats criticized Blair’s candidacy. According to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg, Jean Asselborn, Blair is a man “from the age of Bush. And we should not go back to that age.”

Blair, jointly with Bush, was the main architect of the Iraq war. This afternoon, the chancellor of Austria, [Werner] Faymann, said openly that because of that he thought Blair was not a good candidate for the job.

In order to become president, a candidate needs the support of all 27 EU countries. Blair is the only officially proposed candidate.

See also here.

Stop Tony Blair sticker

Tony Blair cartoon by Martin Rowson