London Menezes scandal police chief resigns

This video from England is called Jean Charles De Menezes CCTV Footage & The Story so far.

From British daily News Line:

Friday, 3 October 2008

BLAIR SACKED! – in the second week of the de Menezes inquest

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Ian Blair, who presided over the death of Jean Charles de Menezes and supported the right of police to shoot to kill ‘terror suspects’, resigned yesterday afternoon.

Blair was a known supporter of the Blair/Brown governments and supported ex-premier Blair’s demand for 90-days detention without charge.

He will not be missed by the families of Jean Charles de Menezes and Azelle Rodney who were both shot to death by armed police squads and whose families are still demanding justice and that the police officers responsible stand trial.

Commissioner Blair was sacked by right-wing Tory mayor Boris Johnson who wants a police chief who will work better with the Tories.

In a statement, the de Menezes family said of Blair’s resignation: ‘Sir Ian Blair should be ultimately accountable for the death of Jean Charles de Menezes.

‘We believe he bears responsibility for the lies told about Jean.

‘He tried to stop the Independent Police Complaints Commission investigating the death.

‘He and the Metropolitan Police still refuse to accept full responsibility for Jean’s death.

‘His resignation changes nothing for us.’

See also here.

Black officers to begin recruitment boycott at Met: here.

Met officer altered key De Menezes evidence: here.

De Menezes inquiry: officer admits to altering his notes: here.

Britain: Lies begin to unravel in police murder of Jean Charles de Menezes: here.

De Menezes update 30 October 2008 here. And here.

4 November 2008: here.

The fatal shooting of Azelle Rodney in Edgware, London in April 2005 by members of the Metropolitan Police’s CO19 unit: here. See also here.

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