Why Dear Kitty blog?

Morpho butterflyWhen I started blogging at ModBlog in January 2005, I wrote (and I’ll bring it here now, to prevent it from maybe going down with ModBlog):

Dear Kitty,

Welcome, to read this diary as I write.

Like Anne Frank 63 years ago, I am starting something while unable to predict how the world around me will evolve.

I hope this will be a many-sided diary. I hope I will be able to write much on new discoveries on ancient cultures; new poems; new paintings; new scientific discoveries in medicine, the lives of birds, and much more.

However, economic and political power being in the hands where they are now, I fear I will have to write much on “four more years” of wars in Iraq and elsewhere; rich getting richer and poor getting poorer; torture in Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere; environmental destruction by corporations and governments.

Still, I hope I will also be able to report on people fighting against those phenomena; for a better, more peaceful and just world.

In chaos theory, there is the “butterfly effect”: a butterfly in the Amazon rain forest, flapping its wings, usually doesn’t cause a storm far away, felling mighty trees.

However, in some unusual circumstances, it does.

May there be favourable circumstances for bloggers and others, speaking truth to power! “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”, as Muhammad Ali used to say.

So, dear Kitty, see you again!

21 thoughts on “Why Dear Kitty blog?

  1. Hi dearkitty,
    Thanks for leaving a message. LG Journal.com is not online at the moment. I had to face some problems both online and offline so I decided to take a break. But I am available on my previous location http://lgjournal.blogspot.com . Most probably I’ll restart blogging soon. I’ll let you know then.



  2. Pingback: Emily

  3. Hi Emily, your link is not working.

    Though discussion of Microsoft Windows is off topic here: on the one hand, in Dutch it is spelled Micro$choft; Micro-crook.

    On the other hand, many people do not use alternative software as it would take time to learn how that works.


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  5. Dear Kitty
    I got here through your post about Botero, I just linked to it. I like your blog and your mind. I also feel like Anne Frank…
    Anyway, I’ll be visiting you soon, I hope you won’t mind, me, adding you the blogrolllll


  6. Hi homeyra, thanks very much for your comment! And for adding me to your blogroll. I will add you to my blogroll (the problem is I have not yet figured out how, in Blogsome, to divide the blogroll into visible sections, making it not look chaotic. As soon as I will find out, I will make a much longer blogroll than now, including you).


  7. I like the blog, like the name. Yes! to the dockworkers strike! I am a Midwest US hospital transcriptionist tired of all the victories of the rich and powerful, tired of reading about hedge fund managers having $55K “party” weekends while people like me have $10K hospital bills, at risk of losing job and having to move out of house, barely making it by despite graduate education (and professional in husband’s case) – tired of this same drama in the US of First World/developing world even within the US (and we always have enough to eat! unlike some neighbors). Thanks, Kitty!


  8. Hi Cindy W. thank you very much for this fine reaction, and all my best wishes to you! According to my statistics, about 50% of the visitors of this blog are from the USA, and quite some of them write valuable comments here.


  9. dear kitty, in searching for “the napalm girl” photograph, i came upon yr blog. I am a fifty three year old woman, so i was in high school when that photograph was taken and it became a symbol just as viet nam hoped. however, while vietnam hoped it would become a symbol to hate americans, instead it became a symbol of peace. i just heard that girl, now grown into a woman talk about forgiveness on the radio and i wept, just as i wept seeing a photo of her as a mother holding a beautiful baby, her shoulders and arms scarred and her face a flower of love. being led to yr blog made me read more of yr work. i knew before i started reading where ‘dearkitty’ came from. i read that book, the diary of anne frank, when i was in elementary school. i love yr blog even when you write about things that hurt. i have a similar blog on myspace under redbudjane. thank you for sharing yrself with the world. jane


  10. Hi jane, thank you for your extensive comment, and good luck with your myspace site.

    My blog post on “napalm girl” Kim Phuc is here.

    The Vietnamese really hate the war and still persisting consequences of it, like children still being born deformed today because of Agent Orange then. However, usually they certainly do not hate the American people as a whole.

    See, eg, this, about a Vietnamse woman doctor’s diary.

    And this.

    Though I sometimes do write about “things that hurt” rather than avoiding them, I write on a big range of subjects.

    On Anne Frank on this blog, eg, here. You can use “search” on this blog to find more.


  11. Dear Kitty,

    I’d like to connect you to a video that will definitely move you. If you can please post this video up. We’ve done a track to help spread the word of Peace and non-violence. One Voice can definitely make a difference and it would be greatly appreciate if you can help in this movement.

    100% of the proceeds are going to Warchild.ca charity.



  12. Dear Kitty…who are you? Your words are making up a significant portion of my dissertation on narrative landscape of shoes since dec 14th 2008. Would you be so kind to give me some background? thanks…cobblerconnors


  13. Whenever i see the post like your’s i feel that there are still helpful people who share information for the help of others, it must be helpful for other’s. thanx and good job.


  14. Pingback: Questions and answers on this blog, continued | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  15. Pingback: Questions and answers on this blog | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  16. Pingback: Sport and poetry in history | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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