Bloody neo-fascist terrorism in El Paso, USA

This 4 August 2019 video from the USA is called Mass Shooter in El Paso – You’ll Never Guess Who.

Indeed, it is yet another fascist white supremacist terrorist. Even though United States President Donald Trump claims that anti-fascism supposedly is terrorism.

From the Daily Beast in the USA today:

Accused El Paso Walmart Shooter Apparently Posted Racist Manifesto Before Attack

Patrick Crusius allegedly killed 20 people at a store Saturday morning, using racist rhetoric against Hispanics in a posting made before the attack. …

The announcement was accompanied by an anti-immigrant manifesto that invoked white supremacist terms to justify violence against Hispanic people. Authorities say three Mexican nationals were among the dead in the attack on the predominantly Hispanic city that borders Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. …

The author of the apparent El Paso manifesto claimed to have been inspired by a manifesto written by the white supremacist who allegedly murdered 51 worshippers at a mosque in New Zealand this year. The alleged attacker of a synagogue in Poway, California, earlier this year also cited that manifesto.

This 3 August 2019 TV video from the USA says about itself:

El Paso Gunman Allegedly Posted ‘Wildly Anti-Immigrant‘ Essay Online | MSNBC

NBC’s Ben Collins reports that a believed manifesto of the suspect involved in the El Paso, Texas shooting has been found on the “wildly anti-immigrant” site 8chan.

From the New York Post in the USA, 3 August 2019:

Sick manifesto linked to Walmart shooting suspect blames ‘Hispanic invasion’ …

The manifesto bemoans that “America is rotting from the inside out,” and predicts that “the heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold.”

It goes on to blame immigration for everything from the loss of jobs to runaway pollution.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

It seems that he announced his act shortly beforehand in a manifesto on the forum website 8chan and that he is an extreme right-wing nationalist. …

The perpetrator not only announced his act, he also added an explanation of four pages. He refers to a conspiracy theory that predicts that the elite will conspire to eventually replace the white population of Europe with people from Africa and the Middle East. The theory is popular in extreme right-wing nationalist circles. …

The attack in El Paso is the 291st incident this year in the United States in which firearms are fired at four or more people. A total of 335 people were killed. Today another new incident has occurred: in Dayton, Ohio, a man shot nine people.