Donald Trump’s military invasion of Venezuela?

This parody music video from Britain is called Earth, Wind, Fire & Fury – “Nukee Pyongyang“.

It says about itself:

9 August 2017

Donald Trump sends an apocalyptic disco message to North Korea via his Earth, Wind & Fire tribute band.


Bang! Nukee Pyongyang
Bang! Nukee Pyongyang

Sanctions land so quickly onto North Korea when they make stupid threats
Supercalifragilistic missiles got the Donald in a sweat
I’ll stare Kim Jong-un in the face and say, “Go ahead, make my day, punk”
I’ll flick the switch and blow that bitch
Into kingdom come

Bang! Nukee Pyongyang
Bang! Nukee Pyongyang

Apart from threatening nuclear war against North Korea, a grave threat against the people of United States colony Guam, Donald Trump threatens war a bit closer to the USA as well.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Trump does not exclude military intervention in Venezuela

Today, 7:00 PM

US President Trump has said that he does not exclude military intervention in Venezuela. At his golf club in New Jersey, he said that the United States of America has many options for Venezuela, and that a military operation is definitely something he could choose.

Later, the White House announced that a request from Venezuelan President Maduro to talk with Trump was rejected. …

The Venezuelan Minister of Defense calls Trumps remark an act of madness and far-reaching extremism. The minister of communication speaks of the biggest threat ever expressed against the country. …

Venezuela will certainly be dealt with next week during a six-day visit by Vice President Pence to several Latin American countries. It is generally assumed that Pence will call on the Latin American countries to put Venezuela under pressure together. …

In the past, the US has taken military action in Latin America a number of times. This happened, for example, in 1989 when US troops put an end to the military dictatorship of General Noriega in Panama.

This last sentence by NOS TV is extremely selective and misleading. The Pentagon and the CIA did not mind at all that Noriega was a dictator, as long as he was their ally in the war against the elected leftist government of Nicaragua. The Pentagon and the CIA usually do not mind dictators in Latin America, like Pinochet in Chile, and the military juntas in Brazil and Argentina which they all helped in their coups. United States military invasions and covert CIA interventions, like in Venezuela in 2002, are usually anti-democracy and pro-dictatorship.

Trump’s honeymoon with the Venezuelan opposition: here.

President Donald Trump’s bellicose threat Friday that Washington could resort to a “military option” against Venezuela has triggered a wave of statements of formal opposition from governments throughout Latin America, including right-wing regimes like those in Argentina, Peru and Colombia, which have called for the ouster of President Nicolas Maduro and collaborated closely with Washington: here.

Trump continues long U.S. legacy of bullying Latin America: here.

ANOTHER SECURITY DETAIL DUST-UP IN COLOMBIA Soldiers have been reassigned after bringing women into a restricted area while they were assigned to protect Vice President Mike Pence. In 2012, 11 Secret Service agents were placed on leave after allegedly hiring prostitutes during a trip to Colombia while on President Barack Obama’s detail. [HuffPost]

This Is the War Plan America Will Use When It Invades Canada: here.

45 thoughts on “Donald Trump’s military invasion of Venezuela?

  1. Pingback: Donald Trump’s USA, warmongering and murderous nazis | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Tuesday 15th August 2017

    posted by Morning Star in World

    US VICE-PRESIDENT Mike Pence faced both ways on his visit to Colombia at the weekend over Donald Trump’s war threat to Venezuela, but host Juan Manuel Santos rejected the military option outright.

    Mr Pence noted President Trump’s reference to having “many options for Venezuela” while stressing that the US president “also remains confident that working with all of our allies across Latin America we can achieve a peaceable solution to the crisis facing the Venezuelan people.”

    However, Mr Santos did not mince his words, announcing after their bilateral talks: “As friends you have to tell each other the truth.

    “I told Vice-President Pence that the possibility of a military intervention may not be considered.

    “Neither Colombia nor Latin America from the Rio Sur to Patagonia could agree. The Americas is a continent of peace. Let’s leave it that way.”

    Mr Santos and other US allies believe military intervention would destabilise the region.


  3. LATIN AMERICAN leaders have roundly condemned US President Donald Trump’s threat of a “military option” against Venezuela.

    At a press conference on Friday Mr Trump labelled his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolas Maduro a “dictator.”

    He said: “The people are suffering and they are dying.

    “We have many options for Venezuela including a possible military option if necessary.”

    At least 124 people have died in four months of opposition regime-change riots since the start of April, fuelled by chronic shortages of food, medicine and other goods the government blames on a US-directed economic war.

    Six died on July 30 during elections to the new assembly to amend the constitution — over which Washington threatened Caracas with sanctions. One death has been reported since then.

    The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry said Mr Trump’s “warmongering declarations” were part of the “systematic US aggressions against Venezuela.”

    Venezuela’s allies, including Bolivia and Ecuador, issued solidarity messages.

    Bolivian President Evo Morales slammed the “deafening silence” from Venezuela’s Democratic Unity Roundtable (Mud) opposition, while Ecuador reminded the world that Latin America and the Caribbean nations had declared the region a “zone of peace.”

    Mr Trump’s comments were the first explicit threat of military action against Venezuela by a US president since Mr Maduro’s predecessor Hugo Chavez was elected in 1998. But former president George W Bush supported opposition parties behind the failed 2002 coup against Mr Chavez, while his successor Barack Obama decreed Venezuela an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to US national security and foreign policy in 2015.

    Mr Obama’s former national security adviser on Latin America Mark Feierstein accused Mr Trump of playing into Mr Maduro’s hands.

    “For years he’s been saying that the US is preparing an invasion, and everyone laughed. But now the claim has been validated. It’s hard to imagine a more damaging thing for Trump to say.”

    On Friday Miami-based ex-army captain Juan Caguaripano, who led a 20-man raid on an army base in Carabobo state last weekend, was arrested in the capital Caracas with one co-conspirator. Eight more remain at large.

    Mr Pence flew to Colombia yesterday for talks with President Juan Manuel Santos, expected to focus on Venezuela.

    But the Colombian Foreign Ministry condemned any “military measures and the use of force,” urging respect for the UN Charter and Venezuelan sovereignty.

    Even Peru, which expelled Venezuelan ambassador Diego Molero on Friday to increase the pressure on pressure Mr Maduro to quit, balked at the threat of military intervention

    A Foreign Ministry statement rejected “any threat or use of force not authorised by the United Nations security council.”


  4. Wednesday 16th August 2017

    posted by James Tweedie in World

    Maduro tells thronged masses to prepare for the threat of a Trump invasion

    VENEZUELANS packed the streets of Caracas on Monday to oppose US President Donald Trump’s threat of military intervention in the country.

    The Anti-Imperialist March, which stretched over a mile through the capital, denounced the US leader’s threat on Friday of a “military option.”

    Supporters were joined by a large contingent of the Bolivarian National Guard.

    National Guard officer Nelson Rafael Pineda said: “We will defend our country if at any moment the American empire wants to tread on the sacred soil of Bolivar and Chavez” — referring to Venezuela’s 18th-century national liberation hero and current Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s late predecessor.

    The march ended in a rally at the Miraflores presidential palace, where Mr Maduro told supporters to prepare for an “imperialist invasion.”

    “I have given the order to the armed forces’ joint chiefs of staff to start preparations for a national civil-military exercise for the integrated armed defense of the Venezuelan nation,” he said.

    Mr Maduro also called the opposition Democratic Unity Roundtable (Mud) coalition “traitors” for their failure to fully condemn Mr Trump’s comments — as even hostile regional governments and blocs have done.

    In its belated statement on Sunday, the Mud said it “holds the Maduro dictatorship responsible for turning the country into a regional threat.”

    While rejecting military threats “from whatever foreign power,” it accused Cuba of intervention in Venezuela.

    The opposition coalition has urged Venezuelan’s to take part in regime-change protests across the country for the past four months.

    Many of the protests have turned violent, with casualties on both sides.

    On Monday US Vice-President Mike Pence delivered a less aggressive message than his boss promising a peaceful resolution to Venezuela’s “collapse into dictatorship.”

    “A failed state in Venezuela threatens the security and prosperity of our entire hemisphere and the people of the United States of America,” he told reporters in Cartagena, Colombia.

    Venezuelan Vice-President Tarek el-Aissami condemned Mr Pence’s visit to neighbouring Colombia.

    “We are deeply saddened that that nation, a sibling country that is Colombia, founded under the same sword that founded this homeland, would lend itself to that menace, would lend itself to the aggression against our people,” he said.


  5. Pingback: British Theresa May Trump’s poodle, even after Charlottesville | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Pingback: Donald Trump’s defense of racists, reactions to it, Bannon out | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  7. Wednesday 6th September 2017

    posted by Morning Star in Britain

    TORY and right-wing Labour MPs gathered in Parliament yesterday to distort the political crisis in Venezuela to fit their own agendas.

    Both sides decried the supposed “monstrous tyranny” in the country, misrepresenting the situation where the government of socialist President Nicolas Maduro has faced violent protests organised by right-wing parties bent on forcing him from office before next year’s elections.

    But the Tories’ brazen attacks on the Labour Party proved even too much for the Labour rightwingers who have suddenly discovered an interest in Venezuela, apparently in the hopes of using it against Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

    Mr Corbyn has previously praised the immense achievements of the Venezuelan government since Hugo Chavez was elected president in 1998, vastly reducing poverty and expanding education and healthcare.

    John Spellar, of the rightwing Labour First faction, bemoaned that the Tories went straight on the attack before MPs had managed to cobble together a shared fantasy of supposedly peaceful protesters being murdered by Mr Maduro’s “regime.”

    Mr Spellar asked whether the Tory MPs “recognise that actually one can make a greater advance across party lines where there is common agreement on issues rather than spending most of their time trying to score cheap political points.

    “What we need to be doing is getting a united attitude from the British government and parliament on this issue.”

    He said that Tory MP Simon Clarke was “not getting the balance right.”

    Labour MP Graham Jones, who led the debate, urged the government to bring in sanctions against Venezuela, following the lead of the US — which baselessly claims the country poses a threat to its national security.

    And Stella Creasy ominously called on the Tories to come up with “practical suggestions” and “actually act on them.”

    The Venezuelan Solidarity Campaign instead urged the government to stop intervening in the country’s affairs.

    “Venezuela’s current difficulties are best resolved by regional-based dialogue.

    “Polling suggests that the majority of Venezuelans both support dialogue and oppose [US] sanctions against Venezuela, which will exacerbate the country’s divisions and difficulties.

    “The British government should help facilitate such a dialogue by constructively engaging with Venezuela, not following the destructive ‘regime change’ agenda of the Trump administration.”


  8. Wednesday 6th September 2017

    posted by Morning Star in Editorial

    PARLIAMENT played host to a particularly sordid spectacle yesterday, with a mob of MPs who have previously shown zero interest in Venezuela showing up to spout off regarding developments about which they are impressively ill-informed.

    Both the Tories and the Labour right see Venezuela as a weapon with which to attack Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, who has quite rightly celebrated the achievements of the country’s government since socialist Hugo Chavez won the presidency in 1998.

    But in order to do so they must distort what is occurring, painting a rabble of violent right-wing groups bent on regime change as peaceful protesters struggling to be free against a tyrannical “regime.”

    That this bears little relation to the situation in the country, which has seen repeated attempts over the past 20 years by the right to violently overthrow the progressive government, is neither here nor there.

    Aside from these MPs’ game-playing domestically, this kind of faux concern only serves to increase suffering in the world in the service of powerful interests.

    It is a pattern seen over and over, where the Establishment puts forward a picture of an issue or a country that allows its self-serving actions to be painted as trying to do the right thing, even noble.

    So in Venezuela, in short, the Establishment just wants to protect these poor peaceful protesters from a brutal regime.

    The murderous violence of the rightwingers — and the repeated government attempts at peaceful dialogue — conveniently airbrushed out to allow for heroic action.

    The experience in Brazil since last year’s coup gives a flavour of the misery we can expect if the rightwingers are able to achieve their aim.

    Another good example of Establishment distortion is the “debate” — such as there is one — over “what to do” about North Korea and its nuclear weapons.

    The North is portrayed as irrational, acquiring and testing nukes for no reason other than to menace the world.
    So it is up to us, the “good guys,” to step in.

    Never mind that the North was totally obliterated by the United States, its South Korean puppet, Britain and several other countries during the war from 1950-53.

    Nor that, ever since, the US has continued to threaten the North with its own nuclear weapons, bases, thousands of troops and regular provocative military exercises.

    These facts are simply excluded, not fit for discussion. So too are the repeated calls, particularly from China but also Russia, for all parties to hash out a peaceful solution through negotiations.

    Why entertain a peaceful and amicable agreement when you can kill a lot of people, wreck a country and the Establishment can achieve its strategic aims of control and profit?

    Witness too as the DSEI arms fair passes almost without comment as all manner of death-dealing equipment is flogged off to some of the world’s most unsavoury militaries with the keen assistance of our own blood-soaked government.

    It shows once more the need for our own culture and media, such as our paper, to demand peace and justice where the powerful want war and conquest.


  9. Saturday, 9 September 2017

    MEXICO’S main teachers’ union has defended Venezuela against US President Trump’s threats of military action.

    In a formal statement, the Oaxaca branch of the Mexican National Educational Workers Union, CNTE, criticised the United States for ‘violating’ Venezuela’s sovereignty and issued a declaration in support of the Venezuelan government.

    The CNTE declaration ‘manifests its support for the democratic process of the Venezuelan Constituent Assembly and repudiates US external intervention that has led to the death of our Venezuelan brothers.’

    The statement also attacks the ‘inequality, poverty, marginalisation, impunity and scarcity’ provoked by countries like the United States and reiterates the union’s support for social movements fighting against neoliberal governments.

    Venezuela has received worldwide support since Trump warned of a ‘military option’ against Venezuela. Uruguayan and Spanish groups recently denounced US interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs, joining governments from across the political spectrum to reject Trump’s threats.

    The CNTE, Mexico’s main education union, has been at the forefront of many social justice battles in Mexico. The union has fiercely fought the government of President Peña Nieto to improve education for the rural poor and provide teachers with more resources.

    Meanwhile, an open letter from the people of Venezuela to their counterparts in the United States urges them to demand US President Donald Trump stop its ‘warmongering’. It called on the people to join Venezuela in defending peace, freedom, and cooperation between the two nations.

    The letter, which was published in the New York Times and the Hill, includes Trump’s recent threat of a direct military intervention and the unilateral economic sanctions on the country, that the letter notes is intended ‘to economically isolate’ Venezuela.

    ‘These threats and unilateral decisions will affect our economy and our means to obtain resources for food, healthcare and production, seriously impairing our citizens’ everyday life,’ the letter says.

    It further states that this was recognised by the US government to be the same plan used in 1973 to overthrow the government of Salvador Allende in Chile which paved the way for the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.

    ‘Furthermore, these actions also affect ordinary US citizens who would face the possibility of a hike in gasoline prices,’ says the open letter. ‘While thousands of workers risk losing their hard-earned savings as retirement funds are affected by the ban on Venezuelan bonds.’

    The letter, which was published by the Foreign Affairs Ministry, warns: ‘As was the case in Iraq, we might be on the verge of an unfair and baseless military intervention, where oil is
    paramount.’ These actions create problems inside the US making life harder, while outside it ‘generates global rejection and resentment towards the US government and indirectly towards its people, who have nothing to do with these warmongering actions,’ the letter explains.

    The latest sanctions ban the trading of Venezuelan debt and prevent the country’s state-run oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela SA, from selling new bonds to US citizens or financial groups.
    ‘Venezuela is neither an enemy of the United States nor does it represent a threat to its security,’ the text says.

    Meanwhile, in the latest attack on journalists in Mexico, Juan Carlos Hernandez Rios, a contributor to La Bandera Noticias has been shot dead after he left his home in the state of Guanajuato.

    29-year-old Hernandez was attacked by two men dressed in black and carrying large-calibre weapons. He worked as an editorial assistant and photographer for the news website that is known to have received threats in recent months, local media reports said.

    Hernandez, who also worked as a taxi driver, was rushed to the community hospital in Yuriria but later died from his injuries. According to a recent report by Article 19, the press freedom group, 2016 was the most deadly year for the press in Mexico over the past decade with 11 journalists murdered and more than 400 attacks on media workers.

    The organisation says a journalist is now targeted every 15 hours, equalling a 23 per cent increase in attacks against media workers, compared to 2016. Mexico has become increasingly dangerous for reporters as they expose organised crimes in the region. More than 100 journalists have lost their lives since 2000.

    Before Rios, 10 fellow media workers were killed in the country; Candido Rios, Luciano Rivera, Javier Valdez, Cecilio Pineda, Filiberto Alvarez, Ricardo Monlui, Miroslava Breach, Maximino Rodríguez and Jonathan Rodríguez and Honduran Edwin Rivera. Salvador Adame is still

    Mexico recently ranked first in Latin America on the 2017 Global Impunity Index with many crimes going unpunished. The press freedom organisation also said that perpetrators of these crimes get away with murder 99.7 per cent of the time.

    According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, at least 48 journalists were killed in Mexico in 2016 and 72 in 2015. Reporters Without Borders said in February that Mexico is now the most dangerous country in Latin America for the profession.

    The International Federation of Journalists warned in July that press freedom and journalists’ safety in Mexico are in serious danger. The IFJ said: ‘On 15 May, Javier Valdez, a journalist and an expert in covering issues relating to “narcotrafico”, was shot dead. His is killing is not the only one that threatens journalism in the country.

    ‘Eight journalists have been killed so far in 2017 and more than a hundred have died since 2000, according to figures compiled by the IFJ and its Mexican affiliate, Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de Prensa (SNRP).

    ‘Against this background the IFJ, together with the SNRP and the IFJ’s office in Buenos Aires, is launching an international campaign, both aimed at prompting investigations into the attacks and improving security measures in order to prevent more attacks against our Mexican

    ‘We aim to put pressure on the authorities to ensure justice is done for the crimes committed.
    ‘On 30 June, we sent a letter to the President, Enrique Peña Nieto, urging him to show his commitment and political willingness by financially strengthening the protection mechanism for journalists, as well as the resources available to the Special Prosecutor in charge of investigating crimes against freedom of expression – Fiscalía Especial para la Atención de Delitos cometidos contra la Libertad de Expresión (FEADLE).

    ‘Our President has also sent a letter to the Attorney General asking him to turn the fight against impunity into a priority for the Mexican justice system.’


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