Brazilian public prosecutor suspects coup president of corruption

This AFP video says about itself:

Brazilians call for Temer to step down over hush money scandal

19 May 2017

Brazilians protest in Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia to demand the resignation of President Michel Temer who is defiantly refusing to step down after being put under investigation for allegedly authorizing payment of hush money to a politician imprisoned for corruption.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Supreme prosecutor of Brazil suspects president of corruption

Today, 20:46

Brazil’s highest public prosecutor suspects President Temer, among other crimes, of corruption and obstructing law enforcement. The president became controversial because of sound recordings in which he seems to approve the payment of hush money. He then appeared on TV and said he did not want to resign.

The Brazilian Supreme Court issued the green light for an inquiry yesterday and has now released documents containing the suspicions of prosecutor Rodrigo Janot against Temer. With this, the corruption scandal surrounding the companies Petrobras and Odebrecht, which has plagued Brazil for years, is expanding.

Joesley Batista, the meat trader who made the secret recordings with Temer, has said he has paid 1.5 million dollars for the past few years to the president. …

Batista is himself suspect in the corruption affair and has concluded a deal with the judiciary. The recording with Temer tells us how the president approves the payment of hush money to politician Eduardo Cunha, condemned for corruption. Cunha was sentenced to imprisonment for 15 years.

The [right-wing, like Temer] newspaper O Globo, which supported Temer so far in his plans to implement reforms and cuts, is calling on the president to resign. In a major editorial comment, the paper writes the president has failed in the moral, ethical, political and administrative spheres.

Brazil’s markets plummet amid corruption charges against president: here.

9 thoughts on “Brazilian public prosecutor suspects coup president of corruption

  1. Saturday 20th May 2017

    posted by Morning Star in World

    BRAZILIANS took to the streets on Thursday night to demand an end to the rule of unelected President Michel Temer — now facing a corruption probe.

    But Mr Temer, who was vice-president until he came to power in a “legislative coup” that overthrew Workers’ Party president Dilma Rousseff last August, refused to quit.

    Earlier in the day the Supreme Federal Court opened an investigation into allegations that Mr Temer had solicited bribes to keep his jailed PMDB party colleague Eduardo Cunha from revealing massive corruption.

    The court also lifted an embargo on a 39-minute recording obtained by the O Globo newspaper of a conversation between the president and meat-packing magnate Joesley Batista — which the paper swiftly posted on its website.

    In it, Mr Batista says: “I settled everything. He came and collected … I am good with Eduardo, OK?”

    Mr Temer responds: “You have to keep that up, see?” to which Mr Batista says: “Every month.”

    Mr Cunha’s downfall was a result of the Operation Carwash probe into massive bribery by construction firm Odebrecht in return for lucrative contracts from state oil company Petrobras.

    After his impeachment as congressional speaker, he threatened to make revelations that would take numerous politicians down with him. 7

    In a televised address, Mr Temer insisted: “At no time did I authorise the paying of anyone. I did not buy anyone’s silence. “I will not resign,” he added.

    His stubbornness was met with mass protests in Sao Paolo, Brasilia and elsewhere, led by the CUT union federation, the Landless Workers’ Movement and the Popular Front of Brazil.

    They demanded Mr Temer’s resignation and snap elections.


  2. Monday 22nd May 2017

    posted by James Tweedie in World

    BRAZIL’S coalition government disintegrated over the weekend in the wake of bribery allegations against unelected president Michel Temer.

    The third-largest party in Brazil’s congress, the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), called an emergency meeting yesterday to decide whether to stick with Mr Temer after audio tapes of him of soliciting bribes from meatpacking magnate Joesley Batista emerged last week.

    Another major coalition partner, the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB), pulled out on Saturday evening.

    The alleged bribes were hush money for former congress speaker Eduardo Cunha, Mr Temer’s Democratic Movement Party (PMDB) party colleague, who threatened to finger other politicians after he was impeached over the huge so-called Car Wash corruption scandal.

    PSDB president Aecio Neves was suspended from the senate last week after the Federal Supreme Court opened an investigation into allegations that he asked Mr Batista for 2 million reais (£470,000) to pay for his Car Wash defence.

    Mr Temer continued to deny the allegations on Saturday, claiming the 39-minute recording released by newspaper O Globo was “manipulated and doctored with [bad] intentions.”

    But former Workers Party presidents Luis Inacio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff — who was impeached last year in a “legislative coup” led by Mr Cunha — demanded Mr Temer’s immediate exit and elections for a replacement.

    Mr da Silva said: “We want Temer to go now, but we don’t want a president to be elected indirectly” — as Mr Temer was, following Ms Rousseff’s ousting.


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