Cuban flowers and birds, bye bye!

This 2014 video is called Landing on Varadero Airport, Cuba with beautiful views on Varadero.

On 16 March 2017, the day after 15 March in Havana, our plane did not land at, but left Varadero airport in Cuba.

Before we went to the airport, early in the morning house sparrow sound.

We stopped at the lake we still knew from our first day in Cuba.

Brown pelicans. Ring-necked ducks.

A great egret on the opposite bank. A night heron a bit further on that bank.

An American coot, and two shoveler ducks swimming.

A common gallinule, and a ruddy duck as well.

A Neotropic cormorant.

A palm warbler in a bush.

We continued our journey. 11:39: cattle egrets in a meadow in Matanzas province.

Turkey vultures.

When we arrive at Varadero airport, we hear about delay, like the day we arrived at Varadero. Then, the plane made an unexpected detour because a passenger had heart problems. Now, we hear that the plane has not arrived at the airport yet, so is not flying yet. Outside the airport terminal, three cattle egrets do fly. And three northern mockingbirds sing.

Flowers, on 16 March 2017

And beautiful Cuban flowers are still there.

Flowers, on 16 March 2017

We won’t forget Cuba and its wildlife!

8 thoughts on “Cuban flowers and birds, bye bye!

  1. I can remember watching this video; though, I didn’t realise this was a part of your holiday! 🙂
    My partner, Keith, really wants to travel to Cuba. In fact, just recently, he’s been reminding me of this…


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