Dutch government opposes Trump’s xenophobic border controls

This video says about itself:

Trump Appoints Racist For Key Role With U.S. Border Patrol

31 January 2017

More USA hypocrisy from the Trump administration as they hire members of racist groups.

About that, from the Southern Poverty Law Center in the USA:

Former Executive Director of Anti-Immigrant Hate Group FAIR Joins Trump Administration

January 23, 2017

Julie Kirchner, the former executive director of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), has been named chief of staff at U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the largest federal law enforcement agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Kirchner worked at America’s most influential anti-immigrant organization for almost ten years before leaving in 2015 to become an immigration advisor to the Trump campaign.

The appointment, reported by multiple sources, suggests that President Trump intends to follow through with his promises to anti-immigrant advocates. Throughout his campaign, Trump worked closely with nativist leaders and has appointed individuals such as U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (Attorney General) and Mike Pompeo (Director of the Central Intelligence Agency) who maintain cozy relationships with America’s anti-immigrant movement.

After Trump’s election, and certainly throughout his campaign, nativists have rejoiced with their newfound intimacy with the White House, and Kirchner’s appointment is only the latest of extremist groups suddenly enjoying a direct line to federal power.

Since its founding in 1979, FAIR has push an agenda centered on a complete moratorium on all immigration to the United States and defined by vicious attacks on non-white immigrants. Its founder was white nationalist John Tanton, an avowed eugenicist who created the modern anti-immigrant movement in the United States.

“I’ve come to the point of view that for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that,” Tanton wrote in 1993.

Dan Stein, FAIR’s longtime president, has complained that today’s immigrants are engaged in “competitive breeding” to diminish the America’s white majority and campaigned to repeal a 1965 immigration law that ended racial quotas that restricted immigration to Europeans. He also served as editorial adviser for The Social Contract, a nativist hate journal Tanton publishes.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson in 1997, Stein stated, “Should we be subsidizing people with low IQs to have as many children as possible, and not subsidizing those with high ones?”

Kirchner was working at FAIR while Tanton served on FAIR’s board before the group quietly moved him to an advisory board position following a 2011 expose published by The New York Times that detailed Tanton’s racist views and associations.

Tanton, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease, currently remains on FAIR’s advisory board.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Negotiations on US checks at Schiphol airport suspended

Today, 14:30

The government has suspended negotiations with the United States on US border checks at Schiphol.

The Netherlands were negotiating with the US Americans on allowing US personnel to the airport.

Minister Klaas Dijkhoff of Immigration, of the right-wing VVD party

further distanced himself from the decision by Trump [banning refugees, green card holders, people with visas, from seven mainly Muslim countries]. According to him, the travel ban is directly against our conception of values. “Divide and rule and discrimination are no ways to fight terrorism, let alone to conduct immigration policy.”

WASHINGTON ―Senate Democrats deployed a dramatic 11th hour maneuver to deny committee votes of two of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks Tuesday, arguing that those nominees had lied to them. Senators were set to vote on Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) to lead the Department of Health and Human Services and Steve Mnuchin to lead the Treasury Department. By not showing up for the votes, Democrats denied Republicans the quorum they needed to move forward to confirmation. At least one Democrat needs to be present for the vote to happen. Senate Republicans were outraged, throwing their plans to quickly confirm Trump’s nominees into disarray: here.