Dutch right-wing Prime Minister against Trump’s xenophobia

This video from Virginia in the USA says about itself:

Muslim Ban Protest at Dulles International Airport #NoMuslimBan #LoveTrumpsHate

28 January 2017

Some clips from my journey all the way out to IAD to protest Trump’s Muslim Ban. It was amazing being witness to things like this. Could have cried seeing their faces as they exited the doors and saw the huge crowd of people welcoming them home. #nomuslimban #nobannowall #lovetrumpshate #welcomehome

Protesters at Dulles International Airport rally against President Trump’s executive order barring refugees and migrants from seven predominantly Muslim nations.

“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President.” – Theodore Roosevelt

President Donald Trump of the USA has not only a conflict with fellow right-winger Prime Minister Turnbull of Australia.

He has a conflict with the government of right-wing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as well.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Rutte: United States American entry ban is discrimination

Today, 14:28

Prime Minister Rutte calls the US entry ban “just discrimination”. “If you exclude groups, then one can not conclude otherwise.”

Parliament had asked the prime minister to clearly speak out about the US measure to not admit citizens from seven Muslim countries any more. He had not done so far. Now Rutte said in a debate on the EU summit in Malta, where he will be going tomorrow, that the US measure is inconsistent with our values and can backfire.


According to Rutte this step makes the world not safer but less safe. “I do not understand that they do not understand in the United States that they make it harder for people to continue to make the right choices,” he said.

He thinks that people who are still on the right side of the divide, by excluding them may end up on the wrong side of the divide.

I should add there is some hypocrisy in Rutte taking a stand against xenophobia now; as his VVD party has stopped a plan to house refugees in Rutte’s expensive neighbourhood in The Hague city.

15,000 Somali Refugees Who Had Planned To Resettle In The U.S. Are Stranded. Even if some are admitted to the U.S. this week, many more are suffering from drought and conflict amid Trump’s immigration ban: here.

2 thoughts on “Dutch right-wing Prime Minister against Trump’s xenophobia

  1. The chance that you will be killed by a refugee’s terrorist attack is one in 3,640,000,000.

    The chance that you will be hit by lightning – twice – is one in 9,000,000. Yes, it’s 400+ times more likely that you will be hit twice by lightning than that you will be killed by a refugee terrorist attack.

    The latter figure comes from The Google (try it!). The former figure comes from a September study by the Cato Institute, a right-wing think tank that I generally despise. In this case, however, the Cato Institute has a point. The point, in its own words, is this:

    “The federal government has an important role to play in screening foreigners who enter the United States, and to exclude those who pose a threat to the national security, safety, or health of Americans. . . . [However,] the hazards posed by foreign-born terrorists are not large enough to warrant extreme actions like a moratorium on all immigration.”

    Someone should tell this to President Chicken Little. Someone should explain to him that not a single successful terrorist attack was perpetrated by anyone to whom President Obama gave amnesty.

    All in all, then, one would have to conclude that President Obama did a very good job of “vetting.” Better, perhaps, than American Presidential voters did, last November.

    So if we have a refugee system that actually works – letting in the good, keeping out the bad – then why break it? Why shut it down?

    To make people afraid. To instill fear. To fool them into thinking that they need protection that only President Trumpf can provide.

    That’s Part I of Trump’s scheme. And Part II? I think that you can discern that from this quotation from Luftwaffe Commander Hermann Goering:

    “Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”

    Wag that dog, President Trump. Wag it.


    Alan Grayson


  2. Pingback: Trump loses even most slavish European NATO fans on Iran deal | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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