British police sexual abuse scandal

This video from Britain says about itself:

“Police and sexual exploitation“: HM Inspector Mike Cunningham

8 December 2016

More than 300 police officers have been accused of using their position to sexually exploit people, including victims of crime, a report has said.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Hundreds of British police officers accused of sexual abuse

Today, 17:13

More than 300 British police officers have been accused of sexual abuse during the past two years. The HMIC inspectorate, which checks the work of the British police, announces this. It is yet another abuse scandal in Britain after reports of widespread abuse by, among others, TV personalities and in the football world.

British police officers abuse their authority according to the inspection report, offending against crime victims, alcoholics and drug addicts, but especially against victims of domestic violence.

‘A disease’

The data are from the period March 2014 to March of this year. Police top brass speak in this context of a “disease to be eradicated.” Moreover, prospective policemen must adopt the mindset that this is unacceptable, say senior police officials.

Less than half of the complaints appears to have reached the police complaints committee, according to the report by the inspectorate. The abuse has often remained unpunished; according to the HMIC there is a significant discrepancy between the number of allegations and dismissals from the police.

Woman reveals police spy tricked her into relationship in 1970s. Former leftwing student says she was deceived by undercover officer who adopted fake identity: here.

7 thoughts on “British police sexual abuse scandal

  1. Friday 9th December 2016

    posted by Paddy McGuffin in Britain

    HUNDREDS of police officers across England and Wales have been accused of abusing their positions to sexually exploit victims and suspects, a damning report revealed yesterday.

    HM Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) described the findings as the worst form of corruption and condemned forces for not tackling the issue.

    The watchdog’s initial findings identified more than 400 claims of abuse of authority for sexual gain over just two years and warned that: “It is at least possible, probably likely, that the problem is more serious than the numbers that have been reported back to us.”

    HM Inspector Mike Cunningham said: “It’s the most serious form of corruption. What can be worse than a guardian abusing the trust and confidence of an abused person? There can be no greater violation of public trust.”

    Inspectors identified 436 reported allegations against 334 police personnel, including full-time officers, and other staff.

    More than a third — 39 per cent — of the accusations involved victims of domestic abuse while arrested suspects and those with drug or alcohol problems were also allegedly targeted.

    The HMIC said some forces were still failing to recognise the problem as a serious form of corruption with less than half of the allegations being referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).

    Figures also suggested there was an “apparent disconnect” between the numbers of alleged cases and sackings as a result.

    Following the report’s publication, IPCC chair Dame Anne Owers has written to all chief constables in England and Wales urging them to ensure any case regarding abuse of authority for sexual gain are referred.

    She said: “While progress has been made, particularly in preventative work, we are disappointed that a significant number of serious cases are still not being referred [to the IPCC].”

    Victim Support charity head Mark Castle described the allegations as “deeply concerning.”


  2. From the USA:

    News broke this week that Kay Jewelers and Jared Galleria, both owned by Signet Jewelers, have a deeply entrenched sexual harassment problem. Hundreds of employees have reported being demeaned, groped, or forced into sex to get a raise or promotion. Roughly 69,000 women across 1,500 stores are now involved in a class action case against Signet.1

    Even more disgusting? Signet promoted executive Mark Light to CEO of the company–even while accusations against him were piling up during almost 10 years of secret legal proceedings.2

    The good news is the jewelry store chain is finally feeling the pressure to change. Stocks have plunged since this story broke and the company whose brand is built on romance is scrambling to deal with the fallout.3 Now, we need to turn up the heat. If Signet wants the public to believe it takes sexual harassment seriously, they need to fire CEO Mark Light immediately. Will you add your name?

    Tell Signet Jewelers Board of Directors: Fire sexual harasser CEO Mark Light immediately, and root out sexual harassment at your company.
    Sign the petition

    It’s clear from women employees at Signet stores that the culture of harassment was a company-wide problem with no accountability. One woman manager said “preying” at company events “was done out in the open and appeared to be encouraged, or at least condoned, by the company.” Another said male executives “prowled around like dogs that were let out of their cage and there was no one to protect the female managers from them.”4

    What’s happening with this jewelry conglomerate–both the harassment and what happens when women report it–is part of a larger, disturbing trend. At least one in four women is sexually harassed at work according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.5

    On top of that, many corporations make it very hard for employees to get justice by including forced arbitration in their contracts. That means many employees are forced to sign away their right to sue the company they work for in court. At least a quarter of non-unionized contracts include a clause like this.6

    Because these Signet employees were forced into private arbitration their stories were buried for almost 10 years, and they were stuck in a legal limbo as they watched one of the harassers become the head of the company. Now that their story has been uncovered, we need to act quickly to hold Signet Jewelers and CEO Mark Light accountable.

    Will you add your name to stand up to workplace sexual harassment?

    Thanks for taking action,

    –Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon, Megan, Emma, PaKou, and Pilar, the UltraViolet team


    1. Hundreds allege sex harassment, discrimination at Kay and Jared jewelry company, Washington Post, February 27, 2017

    2. Ibid.

    3. This jewelry brand’s stock plummets after sexual harassment allegations surface, CNBC, February 28, 2017

    4. Hundreds allege sex harassment, discrimination at Kay and Jared jewelry company, Washington Post, February 27, 2017

    5. Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, accessed March 1, 2017

    6. The Teeny Tiny Fine Print That Can Allow Sexual Harassment Claims to Go Unheard, Time, October 21, 2016


  3. Tuesday 16th May 2017

    posted by Conrad Landin in Britain

    Andy Coles accused of deceiving 19-year-old into relationship

    A TORY police chief caved to pressure and resigned yesterday after his secret past as an undercover copper was revealed.

    Cambridgeshire deputy police and crime commissioner Andy Coles has been accused of deceiving a 19-year-old woman into a relationship while infiltrating animal rights groups as a police officer in the early 1990s.

    He retired from the police in 2012 and was elected a Tory member of Peterborough City Council in 2015.

    He served as executive member for children on the city council before being appointed deputy police commissioner last year, and until yesterday he was also a governor at two Peterborough schools.

    The woman Mr Coles deceived into a relationship, known only as “Jessica,” is now taking legal action against the police.

    “Although not legally underage, I feel that my youth and vulnerability were used to target me,” she told the Guardian. “I was groomed by someone much older, and far more experienced, and I was manipulated into having a sexual relationship with him.

    “I did not know how to react when he made advances towards me. I was embarrassed, awkward and what truly makes me feel sick now is that I did not want to hurt his feelings.”

    Mr Coles used the cover name Andy Davey — though he was known as “Andy Van” due to his possession of a light goods vehicle, which he used to assist activists.

    His real identity was discovered after pop star turned vicar and radio host Richard Coles referred to his brother having infiltrated “some sinister organisation while his wife and baby daughter made do with unpredictable visits” in a 2014 memoir.

    Activists and researchers then established that Andy Coles and Andy Davey were in fact the same man.

    Announcing his resignation yesterday, Mr Coles said “news reports” were “significantly impacting on my ability to carry out my duties as deputy police and crime commissioner.”

    His boss, police and crime commissioner Jason Ablewhite, said the matter had been referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

    But Dave Baigent, who sits on the Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel, said he was “astounded” that the panel’s chair, Tory councillor Ben Shelton, had refused to take any action on the matter.

    The Voyager Academy, where the ex-copper was chair of governors said it had “asked Mr Coles to step down … without prejudice while the IPCC investigation takes place.”

    Mr Coles also served as a governor at West Town Primary Academy, which had not responded to a request for comment when the Star went to press last night.


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