Saudi war crimes in Yemen, and the USA

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Angry anti-Saudi protest in Sanaa after funeral carnage

9 October 2016

Thousands of Yemenis demonstrate in the capital Sanaa to vent anger at Riyadh, head of a coalition accused of carrying out air strikes that killed at least 140 people at a funeral.

Do Western Nations Care about Yemeni Lives or Saudi Blood Money? By Medea Benjamin: here.

New Documents Show US Knew Helping Saudis in Yemen Could Be War Crime. Officials doubted Saudi military could target Houthi militants without hurting civilians or destroying infrastructure, Reuters reports, by Nadia Prupis: here.

US Reviewing Support for Saudis After Brutal Massacre, But Will Arms Sales Stop? The US has resisted previous attempts to hold its ally—or itself—accountable for the civilian slaughter in Yemen, by Deirdre Fulton: here.